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RE: How Dangerous are Privatized Prisons to Society As a Whole?

in #life7 years ago

Luckily, I don't have personal experience, but if you want to learn about prison, without being in prison, there is no substitute for talking to people who've been there. From what I've learned, the way they are portrayed in the media is blatant deception.

Allowing the state to lock people up is not strictly a profit motive, but there is an aspect of protecting personal job security to it, which ends up amounting to the same thing. From my personal experience on the outside, government employees are not usually the nicest people. Add that to the people who end up in prison, who are not exactly the cream of the crop, and it probably can't go anywhere good.

Imagine adding together the DMV, the TSA, and a whole lot of convicted criminals, who were so bad they couldn't even plead down to probation, then lock them all in a steel and concrete box and feed them diets that aggravate their personality issues. I think I'll pass on all of that.


Haha me as well. I definitely think that the motives behind mass incarceration spring from so many things it;s impossible to name any specific reason. The motives for even state run prisons are also a very valid point that I had not considered.

I'm open to any other options. There is a percentage of people that it is not wise to just let run amok. I don't now, but I did live in a place a few years ago where I had to sleep with a gun under my pillow. Some places in the world are not safe. Some people are not intelligent enough to recognize the value of being peaceful. I wish this were otherwise.

I agree with you about that. There is a percentage of people in prison that deserve and should be there for societies best interests. But there are also an abundance of nonviolent offenders given lengthy mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses that would be better in a place other than prison for the lengthy sentences.

I absolutely agree, there are unjust laws and people in prison who have no business being there. We also have an entrenched bureaucracy, and an irretrievably corrupt government. What to do, what to do? What if we could release all the nonviolent drug offenders, and replace them with anyone in government who has any authority at all? It would be a start.

There was a poll, a while ago, the outcome of which said that a majority of Americans thought they would be better served by people randomly chosen from the phone book than what we have now. I think we would be better served by people randomly selected from among the prison population, than what we have now.

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