Milo's Supposed To Win, We Know That, Right?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

The age of the manipulation of disgust.

While I think Milo is relatively innocent in this,
despite having the heart of a benevolent troll,
this is apparently the same thing that happened involving the
smearing and, in the eyes of his supporters, vindication of Donald Trump.

I used to think that reverse psychology only worked on children,
then I realized that most people never reach intellectual maturity.
If you do not learn to see the patterns, you will forever be ruled by them.
If you look around the poker table and don't see the sucker, you're it.

I predict that Milo will now become more popular than ever before.
I suspect his book will sell out in minutes,
once a brave publisher is found. This is not to dump on Milo,
but to point out that he is an integral part of a growing division, in
the populace, that is being promoted to generate unrest.

The rioting and burning by the opposition to free speech,
is coming straight out of the media-education complex.
If you watch an hour of TV per week, this should be obvious.
The manipulation of the youth is impossible to credibly deny.

Do we actually think this is going to harm Milo?
Once the blast wave passes and the smoke clears,
I expect to see a stony, but slightly smirking resolve
clear on his face, as if to say, “that's all you've got?”

I like Milo's style. I like how he stirs the pot.
I think that people who are offended by Milo, need to be offended more.
It'll be good for them to confront opinions to which
they are not often enough exposed.

To the people who love Milo, he is a dragon slayer.
He can wield weapons that others can scarcely shoulder,
though the weapons are but words.
He is the steam valve, who will vent the rage of people who
know they have the facts and yet are being suppressed.

The desired end result of this, I don't know.
I suspect it will be a means to another means.
I hope it keeps being funny, because if it stops,
an unfunny world is not a place that people should have to see.

I Was An Abuse Victim. Laughter Is How I Cope.




"While I think Milo is relatively innocent in this"

Did you actually watch the interview where he says sex between a 13 year old and a 28 year old is ok? did you see him thank the priest who molested him for teaching him how to give good head? This is disgusting and sickening.

I've not only seen the video, I've lived the f&cking life. This pretense at being offended is tiresome at best. You might be fooling yourself, but you're not fooling me.

If you've actually been a target of such abuse, you might understand why someone might make sick seeming jokes to cope with what was endured. I have endured extreme abuse, and it took years for me to deal with it. I have made jokes and seen people go pale. I didn't take any of Milo's words completely seriously. Some sick jokes and Milo pondering aloud about his own experience, do not a child rapist make. The use of his words against him is an obvious attempt to revictimize him by accusing him of the abuse that he endured. This is basic attack psychology.

My guess would be, from what you've said so far, is that you've never experienced actual physical abuse, or physical bullying in your life. If you had you would be strong enough to not be offended by some jokes, and some honest introspection about what happened to him, on an adult oriented show, over a year ago, This is usually the case with people who are so immediately condemning of abuse victims who are only trying to cope.

Milo's response is like a victim who learned from perverts. He showed remorse and took responsibility unlike the sico perves who brainwashed him. Predetors are cowards who justify everything they do to children.

Milo is a statist troll. There's nothing benevolent about him. He's spent his brief career making people see witches and now he's tied to the stake. It's beautiful irony.

I don't support all of Milo's loyalties. Some of them I think he espouses in jest. I don't see how he's made anyone see witches, or would want to. The sounds you are hearing are not screams of agony from someone burning to death, they are the cheers of someone who has just pulled one of the biggest PR victories out of the mouth of a potentially devastating attack. The people who love Milo will now buy two of everything with his name on it, instead of just one. The only people who want him burned are the people who are now discrediting themselves as the idiot thugs that they are. You've misinterpreted whatever that is coming out of your brain as wisdom. Think it through again. Most people are as predictable as stampeding cattle. This time is no different.

I relate to Milo using humor to ease pain from an abusive childhood. Hell is for children!

Agreed. Things could be a lot worse, than funny.

"It must be strange to die, surrounded by jackals at their chthonian litanies." Martin Swayne
Oh, wait . . .
I didn't die that was my childhood!

My mother is exactly half of these. I'm not telling which. It turns out it might have been hypothyroid and not psychopathy all along. It was the cult part that was worse.

I'm not telling which "mommy dearest" is mine, either.
Psychotherapy has come a long way. Yeah, cults destroy individual's personality. It's like living with a religious authoritive parrot with legs and arms.

The cult bit off a little more than they could chew with me. I had the top leaders pulling out their hair.

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