If You Don't Work, You Don't Eat. Where's My Jet Pack?
If You Don't Work, You Don't Eat.
This is archaic, and yet we continue to believe it, or,
at least continue to act as though we do.
If we want to automate something useful,
let's automate the creation of jobs to do, for people who want them,
and create the space necessary for the people who don't,
to best develop their own talents.
The harvesting of the productivity of the people
has always been sold to us as The Future Reward,
heaven, paradise, utopia, the time of plenty and rest.
The time when we would all have slaves,
slaves to do the thinking and physical work for us.
Have you ever seen advertising from the 1950's and 60's, for the future?
If you apply yourself, you are going to get a fantastic future,
a future with flying cars, floating houses,
and nuclear power that would be too cheap to meter.
Then we decided to farm the job out to the bush league, lowest bidder.
Now everything we own is poorly designed, shoddily built,
made to last only as long as it takes for you to make enough money
to buy the next model.
We're so busy “earning” little pieces of paper, and digital bits,
that we have ceased to see the bounty in front of us,
if we can only begin to take advantage of what we already have.
We have been laboring to create machines to do our jobs,
and now we are shocked that we are beginning to succeed.
The free market is good at eliminating waste in production.
It is so good at doing this, it has ceased to recognize people as not,
under any circumstances, to be classed in the category of waste.
We have become “human resources”, when we were supposed to be
the original reason for the need of increase of productivity.
If we are not benefiting enough to not have to worry about
being put out of work, then why are we working so hard,
harder than ever before?
We are working more and more, for less and less.
Squeezed for every last bit of productivity,
while our lives begin to resemble squalor.
Robotics, and automation is threatening to put us out of work,
and we can not afford the things that they make,
the things made more cheaply and more disposable all the time.
This is not in the interest of the people who are inexorably
automating themselves out of existence.
Is allowing people to cease to exist,
because they are not necessary, ethical, moral, or a good idea?
Here is much of the crux of the questions surrounding the
free market vs. guaranteed minimum income debate.
The free market idea has failed to alter it's dynamic
when it became cheaper and more efficient to let the people
who it is needed to serve, starve.
The people it exists to serve, are the whole point of it.
If it is not, then we need to clarify our terms.
This was all sold to us as a glorious future.
Where is the shared benefit of the inheritance of the
intellectual property of humanity?
images: farm3.static.flickr.com/2593/3949834600_0a7487f402_b.jpg
I agree with you that technology should be at the service of mankind and not its master.
However you probably won't find many takers for a guaranteed minimum income, because this would mean government interference and taxes. Most crypto enthusisast are anarchists or voluntarists of at least libertarians.
The two former don't want any governments at all and the latter want a government whose only task it is to protect their property interests with the military to the outside and the police inside the country.
Some here are devoted fans of Ayn Rand whose philosophy centered on the idea that selfishness is the only virtue and altruism is the greatest sin.
I used to be a devout left-winger myself, but when large parts of the left turned even more war-mongering than the right as well as totally oblivious to real evidence of deception in western mainstream narratives, I realized for myself that they most certainly can't be trusted.
The way I see it is, that the only chance for a humane future for humanity would be a radical decentralization of power and wealth;
no capitalism, no socialism, no communism but a direct democracy on a very small scale local basis.
These communities would be sovereign entities with a mixed private and public ownership economic system, where everybody -who is able to do so- would have a chance to make a living by participating in the necessary work to keep the community running, and those who are unable to do so would be taken care of by some kind of a solidarity system.
Being able to participate and feeling useful is actually a rather prevalent psychological human need.
Now such a system can only function if there are no power-crazed empire-seekers around who would be supported by many others in their endeavors. And for that a wider -possibly global- change of attitude is needed. Even the view on the natural world might have to change from a Darwinist model to a Kropotkin model of evolution.
The Russian biologist and philosopher Peter Kropotkin(1842 - 1921) believed that evolution didn't work predominantly on competition but far more on cooperation often seen as symbiosis. He called his evolution theory "Mutual Aid".
If this will ever happen, I don't know, there are just so many sociopaths around who always seem to get into positions of power and who are so easily capable to manipulate everybody else to their will.
In my more optimistic moments I've written my sci-fi novel "When Hope Came". It took me quite a while, since my pessimistic moments are far more frequent.
And you have to realize that even a world like that would not be a total utopia. Hope's village for instance has got some rather restrictive rules on sexuality, as well as a practice of exiling both violent rule-breakers as well as simple dissidents. In the story this practice is threatening to blow up into everyone's face.
Well, here is the free e-book, maybe you're interested, most people aren't:
Thank you for the comments.
I agree, to some degree, with everything you've said. This post was an exploration of how society was sold it's enslavement, where we were lead astray, and how to begin finding value in humanity again.
This was more for myself, to stimulate ideas.
I think that government is probably more dangerous than the mob, not that they can be separated, necessarily. I think that no government should ever be trusted, and if it has to exist, it should be chained down as tightly as possible. I would like to see society decentralized to the level of the individual, an infinite fractionation. This, so that every individual, who wants their rights respected, will find it in their interest to rise to the defense of the rights of anyone else, lest when they need defending, they be abandoned.
I'm not trying to sell socialism here, and I understand the need for people to be challenged and valued, to bring out their best. I'm trying to parse the difference between challenge and that which brings about disillusionment and resignation. It appears that most have given up on realizing their potential, and are embracing being Winston Smith. This is the difference between inspiration and induction of learned helplessness.
If humanity is so corrupt that it cannot be persuaded to find more value in people than in a digital fiction of money, then it is time to make other plans. I would like to find another path than selfishness as a virtue, but I refuse to shrink from the necessity of survival.
I do not think that utopia is possible where humans are concerned, but I would like to see humanity dedicated to something other than oblivion.
Yes I also hope that humanity will one day be dedicated to something else than oblivion.
And I see it like you that too many would-be dissidents are mired in learned helplessness, either passive observers who don't see any chance for change or active participants in the crime of disposing actual facts in the memory hole.
But I don't feel pure individualism will work. I think we are as human beings always both individual and social beings. Unless we are hermits in a mountain cave, we cannot live alone. And most of us urgently need validation from those around us, our community. The individual is appreciated and protected by his or her community. But a community cannot exist without some kind of rules, written or unwritten, even illiterate tribes have sometimes quite strict rules.
For me the highest form of freedom is not the laissez faire freedom, that I can do whatever I want if I don't injure anyone or take his property, -We actually have gotten far more of that than any generation before us and we still feel lacking and unhappy- the highest freedom for me would be when my voice is being heard and I have the chance to participate in the making or even the changing of the rules under which I am supposed to live.
It's up to each and every one of us to build the society we want to see.
It's up to you to gain the popularity to get into political office, and focus not on oppressive laws, but instead, focus on allowing people to build things and get work done efficiently.
It's up to you to get funding, so that you can at least start a business that builds things. Amazing things.
There are lots of things to do in this world, but you have to start with yourself.
You can't just tell everyone that we're doing it wrong, when you yourself have not even built a flying car.
Where is your flying car? Do you even know how to program a computer, or solder electronics? Can you weld metal?
If you have no skills, and no one else has skills, then it's no surprise that we've done nothing with our society. That's just how it is.
The government never helps accomplish any of this. My flying car, and several other projects are grounded by regulatory agencies. Do I have skills? Yes I do, plenty and more. I find it exceedingly difficult to interest anyone in doing anything to expand their skill sets, and I don't get paid to manipulate people into learning things they don't care about.
Saying, "that's just how it is" does not negate the facts of how things got this way, with things like forced government education and media addiction.
Well said, but I'm guessing you are still young :D, just try to fly your car, you will be classified as an Alien and nobody will hear you again, people do try to keep to a norm for some reason and everything outside is considered dangerous and foreign, so I'm saddened to say, working my ass off and producing the next shit thing doesn't appeal to me, when somebody can market the next shit thing, offering no benefits to anyone and preying on their insecurities or make-believes.
Maybe you will make a good HR(human resources manager), you could definitely motivate people and you will hate people like me, that hate working, but maybe we will never see each other, cheap asses are piled all the trash and take the blame.
I would rather build learn and create, sadly the market for that is close to non-existent the best we can offer is graphics and dreams :D ,
I do however agree with your points, I just don't think they are suited here if you can house the past 100 years in your mind, maybe you will understand how sideways we've gone, wars for one, overuse of technology and science to make out life simpler and our brains and capabilities duller.
Think of this what you will, I'm just saying 80% of life is bullshit and all the money and medication won't fix it because it's against what is natural, we aren't chairs and we aren't chips to be tossed around to the highest bidder, plus morals and culture don't exactly go well hand in hand with profit and "technology"
Yeah, screw morals and culture.
All I want is a flying car and a bunch of lovers to snuggle with while we're flying in the air. Everyone is soooo concerned with "morals" and "tradition" and all that, and blah. It just gets in the way of a good time.
Sweet profits and sweet tech make life niiiiice.
yeha mini Miley go twerk it :D why work for the generations to come and "slave" away with those morals :P just think of the music videos and the Virtual Reality we can have :) , screw the world and reality, screw those past 5000 years of existence, just a bunch of boring fags and while you are at it screw those good parents that have survived and given up on their flying cars for the past millennia actually not that great when I look into history I'm kind of let down.
But still why learn and have principles when we can have instant gratification, oh we do and people are buying it in shovels(instagram) and a phone is all you need to completely become a transhuman, fuck those cis-humans too :D
I'm not trolling :D just politely and sarcastically pointing out flaws
Fuck off, asslord.
Don't give me that shit. You're so full of your own bullshit, you have no idea what's up or down. Given up on their flying cars?
You're a moron. No one's done that. It's just illegal to fly in them because "terrorists". You're so simplistic.
Are you some "traditional" person? You're an idiot. Do you pray to some god too?
Fuck off. I don't have time for literal brainwashed cultists to tell me how to live.
This world is shit, and I blame you.
I never chose a world like this. I was born into this bullshit, so fuck off with your self-righteous act. You have no idea what this world is facing, and if you think you do, you're just another delusional jack-ass who thinks you happen to know something no one else knows.
Lemme tell you something: This world is shit, and every moment is shit. All the work I've ever done is wasted, and every dream I've ever had has been purposefully shattered by pieces of shit like you.
So fuck off with your self-righteous "live how I want you to live, and also, having fun is bad" bullshit. If everyone listened to you, we'd still be illiterate primitives, and we'd all be worshiping some giant rock or something stupid.
:), jessus I'm a troll now :D, how would you guess that I'm a backwards thinking stone worshiping moron, that isn't even in the Bible, haven't read it, but personally I do remember something like, do your best, be good for god because god is good and don't go worshiping statues and stones you morons.
I didn't say anything about you, merely ment to say fuck off to a piece of the world I hate and see no way in which would help out the rest of us, Miley twerking on flying cars :(.
My issues are rarely about people in specific, just general mindsets we all fall into, I'm tired of seeing young people depressed and or playing games wondering what the fuck is going on. I'm one myself, I've just learned that running away from responsibility isn't a good option, unless of course, you are willing to give up on the "hopes and dreams".
I'm still not sure why you aren't getting the cynicism since we are making the same points basically. I guess the core message is different. Anyway, I'm not a devout believer in anything. And I'm not that self-righteous, to me agreeing with the state of things and finding a side track that suits you and gives you comfort/pleasure is a form of giving up. Since I already did that. And when you see that doing stupid shit and banging your head against the wall is stupid. Then you go back, ask the people who have lived for 80-100 years in communities and mostly familial houses, farming animals and plowing the land, form an imaginary "ideal" with the best parts. Afterwards going to your father's/mother's generation and seeing how unstability, longer days and shorter nights, takes 20-30 years off your life, the cigarettes, coffee, drinking and general anxiety and nervousness when you fail at something add up and pass on to the next generation, still you take the good and you fix the bad hopefully then move on. Just between those two points, the differences are astronomical one had everything at their fingertips and worked off their asses to make something and keep their family alive. The latter just as much but with everything given to them easier, so then it's given back because, "services" banking, credit, .. debt.
What works for me is to "Pray for Rain" by Massive Attack - "] Can't turn that to a stone and there is no point in arguing with air and rain. To be frank good times and quality music from time to time is all I need to get into my flying car and not get called anything.
Then in my case/(generation) there is me, no debt no money, but at least I'm adding value and not rotating the debt around. Hopefully, we can reverse the downward trend. I'm a firm believer people should live together and at least be civil, help out when they can and have less problems in general. Active and connected communities are a good staging ground, so that is where morals and culture/(traditions) come in, because people trust those close to their "ideals", keep in mind I'm making a separation between culture and tradition. Sometimes they are different. A culture of pop songs is bad in my world-view, but a tradition of that is even worse because people see something bad as normal.
And you are right "You're so full of your own bullshit, you have no idea what's up or down." but at least I know who I am and who I'm not and where I am.
Also "So fuck off with your self-righteous "live how I want you to live, and also, having fun is bad" bullshit."
I never said any of that, didn't tell you how to live, didn't say fun is bad, trashing you brain is bad, trashing your culture is bad, trashing your past is bad, for you and for your relatives, because first of you won't have the ability to handle problems, or anything to rely on since there is no culture around and you won't have the ability to learn from the past mistakes, sometimes made by smarter people, because they actually spent their entire short lives, dealing with tough situations and life, 150 years ago there were barely any universities, probably less than 150 in the world. So it was te best thing you could do, get educated and learn as much as you can so you can help as many people as you can, live fully and live to the best of your ability. I don't think that has changed one bit, people have just forgotten the facts if you want your flying cars live off oxygen because all the others twerkers will surely love the idea.
I have nothing against you, but I do wish you didn't get triggered and get all emotional like somebody is speaking down on you. I'm sharing my point, if you like it great, if you don't good luck to you I'm not a "Father" I won't die for your sins. :D Not that Immaculate
I don't like to argue I like to talk for hours :D still can't get past your comment. I'm not sure where you got the ideas. But then again I don't know you so I can't know, never meant you harm. Never said I know what the world is facing too. Trust me I have enough problems and being "self-righteous" is just a cover up to get past the "born into this bullshit", I just try my best to get past that and get out of it so I can really create and give. So far there is time.
:| don't know why this turned out so long :D, time to fly