Climate Change Is Not About Trump.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Are you interested in understanding climate change? Here's another place to start.
I've done several posts about climate change already. There is still much to say.
I don't want to end up preaching to the choir. I am attempting to speak to the people
who are beginning to see through the cracks of the propaganda wall.

This subject has now been repoliticized, again, from yet a further angle.
Now, if you don't believe the Globalist narrative, you are an absolute fascist,
and want all life in the universe exterminated to please the will of our new power mad
dictator. Can you say 'straw man'? I knew that you could.

I don't think there is evidence to support a single part of this,
except for the straw man characterization.
Actually, this continues to be a subject unrelated to politics,
unless you believe that politicians beating you over the head with reasons you need
to pay more new taxes to assuage your guilt, has anything whatsoever to do with
protecting the environment in the real world.

Please, if you interested in finding the truth,
spend more than a phone search worth of time looking into the subject.
No, Snopes and Huffpo are not credible sources,
and please don't show me the 'hokey stick' again.

Check this out, actual scientists, not Al Gore, have been questioning the
politically popular story for many years.
I like to go back to this now and again to see how much I've learned.
What once was utterly alien, has now become familiar and comprehensible.

If you are interested in commenting about this, please do so below.
I am always interested in sharpening my knowledge on such a woefully
misrepresented subject. No, consensus is not a scientific argument.
If every single person who has ever lived believed fervently that human caused
climate change is a forgone conclusion, it would not necessarily make it a fact of reality.

Climate Models for the Layman with Dr. Judith Curry

Scientists Patrick Moore and Judith Curry on Climate Change




I find it funny that money will be the cure of a problem. Pay more taxes and it will go away. Meanwhile the taxers are living the high life. I wonder if that is what happened to t rex and crew, taxed out of existence.

They did have much larger footprints. , and feet all full of carbon.

When manmade climate change scientists said the sun had nothing to do with our weather I lost all faith in science.

A recent review paper, put together by both solar and climate scientists, details these studies: Solar Influences on Climate. Their bottom line: though the Sun may play some small role, "it is nevertheless much smaller than the estimated radiative forcing due to anthropogenic changes." That is, human activities are the primary factor in global climate change.

That's the funniest part. We get that the temperature varies significantly from day to night, but then, no way could it be a major influence on global temps over millennia. That's the most obvious flaw in the human caused argument.

Trump has nothing to do with climate change, which occurs naturally, and never had. Not even sure how he got into the title of this post. Liberals will blame him for the dinosaurs going extinct if they could however.

I keep seeing headlines having to do with Trump causing the eco-pocalypse. I'm still not sure he's going to help fix anything, but human caused climate change just simply isn't a major issue. That was all I was saying with the headline. I think I undersold the connection of the audio link being from 2002, and the videos being from 2017. They are 15 years apart, we've been through different politicians, and the science message is still the same. Once one digs into the details, climate change still has nothing to do with being the fault of humans.

Yeah I see what you mean.

Good post. As I result I have followed you. Totally agree with your stance regarding climate change.

Thank you very much. I've followed you, as well.

Thank you for your interest.

"Climate change" is all about chumps though!

Thankfully James Corbett can cover this subject properly, because holy crap there are a lot of people who fall for the "global warming" scam even on Steemit...

Corbett's been doing a grand job for just about ten years now. He seems to only get better, and he started out so far ahead already.

There are many people who have so much invested in the global warming belief system. I don't know how much more difficult it would've been for me if I had put another 6+ years into it, but then, I've grown to like trying to prove myself wrong.

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