My car got hit by a fire truck...

in #life6 years ago

Took a break and trip to NYC this past week! Sorry @atmospherichaze that we didn't get to meet up, just wasn't enough time, next. BUT BEFORE I TALK ABOUT THAT....

3 days before NYC however....I watched my parked car get hit by a fire truck. YES, I flippin' fire truck that was going down my narrow street and hit the side of my car and ripped off the left side mirror, dented the side and took off the front bumper. It was prettttttyyyyyyy shitty. In this photo below they are duct taping and trying to re attach my bumper so I could drive it into the mechanics. The bumper being ripped off was the worst part...and watching it happen was not fun.


BUT luckily is was a group of fire fighters! If it had of been a hit an run I would have been screwed- but it wasn't. We exchanged info and insurance is taking care of all of it and now that I'm back I'm picking up a rental. But at the time, it was lucky I was looking out my window and saw it, I RAN OUT INTO THE STREET in sock feet and was yelling



I also tend to over share in high emotional states so I was like I can't afford this I'm trying to make my first film and I don't have time for this (I'm not at fault and not paying and didn't need my car that day- but I was blabbering all my personal fears at their faces)

Then one fire fighter asked "whats your movie about?" and I burst out laughing as I told a group of fire fighters
"It's about a people pleasing serial killer named Barbara-Anne"

They all started laughing and one fire fighter actually ended up knowing Emily in the film. SMALL WORLD.

It really turned out alright and aside from my initial shock I was proud of the fact that I was able to calm down and gather my emotions and not let it ruin my day.

It was inconvenient but not a disaster. Just life training me up to be the best producer of films, art and general life life haha

Missed all you Steemians, catching up on everyone now and I'll share New York Happy stories tomorrow and MORE BARBARA-ANNE via @fundition


Well, seeing the glass half full, it's positive that the accident was with you outside the car. I hope you can solve the problem quickly, luckily you talked with the fire fighter, and also comment on the film. Regards!

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