Your efforts should be worthy of your age.

in #life5 years ago

An 80-year-old grandmother said, "When you were young, you didn't travel, take risks, or fight for a scholarship, but you never tried life. You spent all day brushing micro-blogs, browsing online stores, playing online games, doing what I could do at the age of 80. What do you want to be young?"

That's good. If we pursue comfort and comfort when we are young and don't challenge ourselves beyond the limit, what qualifications do we have for enjoying life when we are old?


Your efforts should last for your age.


The third class of senior high school brought by my cousin was very popular in the college entrance examination. The whole class was admitted to undergraduate course. Several of them got notices from famous universities. As a result, she received a bonus from the school and was promoted to a higher position.

Many people congratulated her on her ability. But my cousin said in a low voice that if there is such a strong point, it is to persevere and never give up.

Her class started in high school as a mixed class with the worst foundation in the whole grade. The most naughty and difficult students in the school were all in her class. Therefore, besides studying, she has to worry about discipline; besides teaching, she has to train and write scientific research papers. She gets up early and returns late every day, and has only one day off on weekends. Especially in the third year of senior high school, she lost seven or eight pounds.

Mother-in-law complained about her, complaining that her cousin only wanted to work and forgot her home. Sometimes parents of some students do not cooperate with their cousins because of prejudice or shortsightedness, which makes her quite headache.

But which job in the world is easy? My cousin felt that when she could do her best, she would not invest in it, but would only regret it later. Sorry for herself, but also for the students.

Faced with incomprehension and grievance, she has all endured it silently, and has persisted till now.
Those who succeed are not necessarily the best in the first place, but they are the ones who insist on going the farthest. Many times in life, there is not so much truth to speak of, hold on, it means everything.


Life is always bad. If we can all treat the unsatisfactory situation with optimism and tolerance, then the predicament may also become a turning point.

A friend who had worked as a salesman said of his experience: at the end of one year, he lost a big list and was pinched in the corner by his competitors with his big customers for more than half a year.

At that time, he was carrying a mortgage. His mother had chronic diseases and needed to take medicine all the year round. He spent money everywhere. Suddenly, he lost a large amount of financial resources. He was frustrated and did not know how to get through the difficulties.

His wife, instead of blaming him, consoled him: What a big deal, it's not a big deal. Everyone will have a bowl of noodles in the future.

He gritted his teeth and regained his confidence: he also went to other places to find resources for customers during the Spring Festival; in life, two people thrifted, borrowed money from friends to turn around the mortgage for several months, and spent the coldest Spring Festival, which was considered to have survived the cold winter.

After the Spring Festival, he continued to regroup and applied for a new market in another city on his own initiative. His efforts have not been in vain, and his new business is booming. Not only has he opened up the customer relationship, but he has also gradually accumulated resources in the industry and started his own business.

Nowadays, his business is developing very well, but he still works hard, and often warns employees with his own experience: "Life is persistence." You think you can't get over it. If you hold on a little longer, you'll see another view.


No one's life is smooth sailing, and no one is born to be God's favorite, can always live a life without hard work.

Sometimes, we need only a corner from success. But how many people chose to give up before that corner.

There is a line in the movie "Chinese Partner" that says, "The most painful thing on the way to success is to endure loneliness and loneliness. There is always a way for you to go alone. Maybe this process will last for a long time, but if you get through it, the final success will be yours."

Life is inevitably frustrated, but the real strong will not be frightened and frightened soft, but will be more frustrated and braver, the years of suffering will be boiled into sweet fruits bit by bit.

Sometimes the more experience you have, the more you will understand that there are always several things in the world that others can't take away. For example, the books you have read, the scenery you have seen, and even the dreams you have been laughed at.


Peace @life-guide
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