The Ignorant will stay Ignorant without books, podcasts etcc

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Short story time.

About a month ago, one of my real-life friends who is also a progressive and fervent Bernie supporter, invited me to join a politically themed Facebook group. I relished the opportunity.

Of the 32 people in the group, most are either moderate or far left. There are a few conservative outliers, and maybe - just maybe - one other person that's exploring libertarian ideas. Since joining, there have been the usual debates between myself and almost everyone else in the group, as you can imagine. To their credit, they have all been very civil - avoiding name-calling and shaming.

However, in my attempts to get far into the weeds with these people, I've shared several libertarian podcast episodes, or YouTube clips from personalities who are otherwise sympathetic to our movement (Dave Rubin, etc.). I've pleaded with them to just consider the arguments being made in the episodes, and reminded them that they can listen while working out, driving, doing chores, etc.

Every time I share one of these, I get crickets. No comments, and maybe one like from the libertarian guy I mentioned. This has frustrated me.

I could be just super arrogant and narcissistic here, but I feel like I've earned some clout on these topics and done my homework, studying hundreds of hours of political philosophy, going through Austrian school theory, listening to Tom's podcast almost daily, AND listening to the arguments (as few as they may be) from leftists like The Young Turks, Sam Seder, and others the past few years.

I don't feel like these people spent time learning anything CLOSE to what myself and you guys have learned. Anecdotal evidence suggests this is not an issue with just the left - conservatives who watch Fox News are basically the same.

Do I need to repent of my arrogance here? How the hell are we supposed to reach these people?

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