Pro- Minimum Wagers Lie to Perpetuate a Myth

in #life7 years ago


Someone posted this as a comment in an earlier post, but I wanted to talk about it specifically, as I just recently got defriended over my comments on it.

Is it agreed the intention of this is to promote increased minimum wage? It seems to me the intent of the author is to make you envision a menial job. When the (probably fictitious) boss says he had to work in a mail room, I think most people imagine the guy who pushes the mail cart around, not some management position. So we're supposed to equate this with an entry level job, and so then we're supposed to realize how much the buying power of entry level job wages have failed to keep up with modern times.

Leaving aside arguments about whether the CPI is a measurement of such things..... Am I right this is BS? In 1995, I was getting $6.5/hour to clean restrooms. Which actually was a promotion, so not even an entry level job. There is no way someone was getting $6/hour for an entry level job in 1980. That was almost twice the minimum wage!

If I'm right, then is it fair to say this meme is a lie? Arguing for the minimum wage is one thing, but trying to back up your arguments with lies is another thing entirely.

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