THE AIR IS TOO DAMN COLD!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Here in Southern Appalachia, this record-breaking cold snap has done its level best to make our lives harder than they ought to be...


Yesterday, the cashier lady at the gas station commented to me, "This is the south. It ain't supposed to do this."

I fully agreed with her.

We've gone through more firewood per day over the past week than we ever have before. Each morning, I make six trips in and out with an armload of firewood, and each by the end of each night, it's all gone.

Our pipes froze five nights ago. This happens just about every winter, due to the fact that we live in a mobile home with only a thin layer of vinyl standing between the pipes and the frigid weather. But usually, it's not such a big deal. It freezes at night, and then thaws out the next day when the warm sunshine hits the frozen plumbing. Once in awhile, during particularly cold weather, it'll stay frozen for a day or two. We keep twenty gallons of water under the sink for flushing toilets when this happens, and always have a few gallons of drinking water in the kitchen, too.

But this is just ridiculous. Not only have we been five days and nights without running water, but it looks like we have at least another three days to go before the weather lets up on us a bit. Those twenty gallon jugs? I've already trekked to town to fill them up TWICE. The first time, I was able to fill them from the spigot at our nearest convenience store. But today, that spigot was frozen, too! So I had to go to a friend's house and fill up the bottles in her bathtub. (While I was there, I took a much-needed shower.)


Today, I washed an enormous pile of dirty dishes, using just three gallons of bottled water. As impressed as I am with my super rugged conservation skills, it's a bit of a letdown that the glasses seem to still have a thin film of soap on them. I couldn't keep the soapy water from contaminating the rinse water.

On New Year's Eve, I got stuck in the most insane winter traffic jam I've ever experienced. I'd left the house around 2 in the afternoon to pick up my daughter in Asheville. She'd been staying with a friend who lives in another sleepy rural community on the other side of Asheville from my sleepy rural community, and her mom and I always meet in the middle to exchange kiddos.

When I left the house, it was cold. It was really damn cold. But there had been no snow, and the weather report did not anticipate any precipitation. Half an hour later, it started misting. A fine, but persistent mist that quickly soaked the roads and then froze to a solid sheet of ice.

At this point, I know you northerners are making fun of me for freaking out about a little ice on the roads. That's fine. I'll remember that next time you come down here for summer vacation, have a heat stroke in 80 degree weather, and then ask me "What's a grit?"

Anyway, both I and the other mom got stuck in traffic jams caused by accidents on the highways. (Probably Floridians.) So, texting each other, we both decided it was too dangerous to continue on into Asheville. We each turned around and went back home.

Normally, it would have taken me 20 minutes to get home from where I turned around. Even driving slowly and carefully because of the ice, it should have taken 40 minutes, max.

But no. It took me TWO F'ING HOURS.


See, we'd had no warning about this. Everyone had been out and about, freezing their asses off, but feeling more or less secure in their ability to make it home that night, because the weather report had told us "Chance of Precipitation: 2%". So now everyone and their mamaw was out there slip-sliding on black ice, up and down steep mountain hills.

If you've never sat in a non-4WD vehicle on a steep hill in lurching, bumper-to-bumper traffic on black ice, then you have not truly plumbed the depths of human anxiety. And I wasn't the only one driving a Toyota sedan. Like I said, this black ice thing took the whole region by surprise. I saw more little compact cars and motorcycles than I could count, abandoned on the sides of the highway, their owners having wandered off to live in Waffle House until the roads cleared.

I was seriously considering joining them, until I had an epiphany.

What I needed was traction, and the highway provided.

I drove the rest of the way with my driver's side tires in the rumble strip. It was a jolting experience, to say the least, but mine was the only non-4WD vehicle not swerving all over the lanes. And I made it home safely.

The other mom? She was stuck on the highway for THREE HOURS, and hardly moved five miles in that whole time. She finally pulled off on an exit, took the kids to an Italian restaurant, and called her husband to come pick them up in his 4WD truck.

I keep saying, every winter, that I'm done with winter. I'm moving to someplace where the air doesn't hurt my face. BUT THIS TIME I AM SERIOUS!


I love you, Steemit!



I've somehow managed to miss your blog for forever! Nice to stop by again. I am a little jealous though, we are having an unbelievable heatwave with temperatures in the mid of high thirties Celsius. Though I only need a little of that cold weather. I hope your pipes defrost soon.

Ah, that's because I have only just started Steemiting again in the past couple of weeks. I took a hiatus after the death of my father.

I will trade weathers with you! How do we arrange this?

I'm sorry to hear about the death of your father.

I was hoping you might have had some weather trade ideas? We have to let the 2 meet in the middle.

Your narration is mindboggling, washing with three bottled water.
Necessity they say, is the mother of invention.

And freezing weather is the mother of moving to the tropics! ;)

Lol, that won't be a bad idea

This is a crazy winter! I'm glad we choose to spend the winter in the south west and not the south east as we did last winter.
Growing up in northern Sweden it's hard not to be "a northerner making fun of you". But I've learned that it's so different when weather like this hits the south. It just doesn't make sense to be prepared for it. Smart move to use the rumble strip for traction, I'm sure you had better traction than most 4x4s that way.

Stay warm! Stay safe! And may your pipes thaw so you get running water back.

Thanks, @fanstaf, you too!

The temperatures are supposed to get back up into the 50's next week. I'm already planning my long, steaming hot, luxurious shower.

I'm no stranger to driving in crappy weather - but I've never contemplated black ice on mountain roads.

I've been thinking of moving south for years now - but it looks like I'll have to go even farther.

Meanwhile Europe is staying at a balmy 50s...

I thought we had experienced the worst this weather had to offer. I was wrong. This morning, I discovered that our wastewater pipes have frozen, too.

Equator, here I come!

Oh no! I am really very sorry for you! Do you have friends you can stay with for a few days?

Not to worry! We got it thawed out by dumping warm water into the toilet. (Important: don't use boiling water to do this, as after a certain temperature level, hot water freezes faster than cold water.)

Oh thank goodness! But how do you keep it from freezing again overnight?

Our forecast is for -7 F tomorrow night! WTF?

Here's a funny (and a little gross) story:

We used to go to a trailer in New Hampshire that my grandfather owned. It had been neglected for decades, so we made several trips to fix it up and go skiing.

We'd melt snow for water and use a camping toilet. At least the oil heater worked.

Finally we decided to pay a plumber to get the water hooked up, and amazingly, everything seemed to work!

After flushing the toilet once, I thought, hey, why don't I dump the contents of this very full camping toilet down here? No point in lugging our crap south again, right?

Well, guess what? Somewhere along the line, things were frozen. And someone was very sore with me for "breaking" the toilet just after we got the plumbing fixed.

You live in Appalachia? Asheville, NC here! Our pipes often freeze, and usually when they freeze there is also snow on the ground which leaves us trapped in our house and unable to go get water! No freezing this cold snap, though!

Like the lady said. "It ain't supposed to do this!"

Sangat bagus

wow. southern appalachia. one of my favorite bands is rising appalachia (i don't know if u listened to them. there are kind of revolutionary spiritual feminist folk band) . i wonder if the name comes from this region of yours :)

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