Only 2000 people needed to end extreme poverty on earth!

in #life7 years ago

To be more correct, 200 would be all you need, but Oxfam took the 2000 richest billionaires and put them on the scales together with the poorest billion.

And the scales showed that 1/7th of the wealth increase of those billionaires would have ended extreme poverty this year, if instead of the billionaires the poorest would have gotten the money.

But unfortunately it was the same procedure as every year.

82% of all wealth created in the last year went to the top 1%, and nothing went to the bottom 50%

Now imagine there would be a solidarity movement of the ultra-rich, putting 10% of the wealth gains above 1 million a year not into their bulging pockets but instead into the empty bellies of the poorest on this planet.

pic CC0

Extreme poverty would have ended. Thousands and thousand of lives would be saved. There would be an economic boom in the poor countries, helping to make that change permanent. The number of “illegal immigrants” would go down, if this is something you care about. Win-win-win-win.

The cost? Just give back a bit of the money you got, often through exploiting those very poor by stealing their natural resources, their health (you don’t have to work 12 hours a day in clouds of paint to make the clothes you wear) and their best educated people.

That’s a fucking small price if you ask me!

And since you shouldn’t only talk about change, but instead be part of the change, I hereby pledge to donate the dollar-amount of this post in Euro (so roughly 20% more) to Oxfam (Germany).

Can we find 1999 other Steemians that do the same?

Oxfam Report 2018


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