"I Don't Have Time": One of the Biggest Lies We All Get Sucked IntosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

My Return to Steemit

It's been a while since I posted any original content on my blog. The last three months I've been sleeping away the first trimester of my fourth pregnancy. Most of the time I felt as if I had been hit by a freight train. Since I'm in my second trimester my energy's back up, and I'm ready to take on the world!

The One Line That's Our Cop-out

How many times have you said, "I don't have time!"? You wish you did. I used to wish the same thing. I used to say the same thing.

No matter how hard we try we can't make time stop. We try to slow down, in any way we think we can, the inevitable ticking of seconds away until sleep comes; and then it's the same routine the next day, the same fighting against lack of time. I've lived many days in this helplessness, a victim of time. So many things to do, so little time. So, how can we move past these woes and become empowered to feel as though we're on equal footing with Time, that we can collaborate with it?

It's a Change of Attitude

There are three states of mind that one needs to have before having crossed the divide from victim of time to time's partner.


It all comes down to priorities. Whatever your first priority is, no lie, you will make time for it. I learned this important lesson a couple years after I started to take my writing seriously. When I first started writing, I wrote a poem every day. I was so infatuated with the art of writing that naturally my entire extra time was spent steeped in it without my having to try. Even when I began my correspondence writing course with the Institute of Children's Literature in Connecticut, I could easily find the time to write my extra lessons on top of my high school papers and work. It was the newness of this love that made it easy.

Now that I've been writing for the past eight years, the newness has faded; but my love for it is as strong as ever. However, I need to work to make the time to do what I love to do. As you see, I used the word make instead of find. And yes, it's possible to make time. Because to tell you the truth, my day can be easily cluttered with stuff that doesn't add any real value to my life, entertainment being one of them. Almost every day, I have to push myself to write for at least half an hour a priority; and once I've done it, I am very satisfied.

I no longer say "I don't have time." Now I say "I'm not willing to make the time."


Life is full of unexpected adventures and setbacks. There might be days when everything is going wrong for you. Some of those things may completely out of your control. You have a list to complete for the day, and you've come short. If you've done all you can, accept the fact that you didn't have enough time, and that's okay. No need to stress over something that's already passed. Make the time now in the present or the near future to complete your necessary tasks.


We all want to live a full life, a life with no regrets and with memories we can smile upon. Don't get caught up in making life as a to-do list you need to get done every day. I've fallen into that many an occasion. Be generous with your time to those around you. What makes our life fulfilling are the relationships we cultivate throughout life. If you're always set on the next thing to do, you'll lose sight of one of the richest ways you can spend your time. 

I'm a mom with three little kids with one on the way. There's always so much to do in the home. It's very easy for me to get caught up on what needs cleaning next. If I'm generous with my time, I'll give my kids the attention they need. When my friends are going through a hard time, I'll drive an hour's distance to be there for them. Or if I can't see them face to face, I'll call. Sure, I could be doing so many other things in the time I'm giving others because those time chunks can be huge. But my life is so much richer for it.

A Bright Hope for Tomorrow

If you're struggling in this area, try adopting just one of these mindsets every day. Then build on it once you've made it a habit. I've worked on this for most of my life (teenage years up to now). Life is too short to always chase time.

What has worked for you in helping you live an efficient and full life?


oh man, I can relate to that. There are an infinite amount of things I can get my mind and energy into...the question is what has to be put as a priority and what has to be put on the back burner.

great post ! upvote and newly following. Acceptance and Generosity I def think are key elements, I feel this all very much. great work

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