Strategies for gaining more time and putting it to good use

in #life3 years ago

Most of us manage our time by making a to-do list and prioritising the items on it. Prioritizing tasks is based on urgency and relevance.

Another criterion that Vaden calls "time enhancers" is accepted by a group of people: significance. How can I best use my time today? Vaden's time multipliers ponder Instead of asking, "What is the most important thing I can do today to better my tomorrows?"


If we make good use of our time today, we have more time tomorrow. What Is It? As an example: Using internet banking to make a payment. Consider that. "I don't even have two hours to utilise all of my services and accounts, uncover payment websites or applications, and enter bank information," you reasoned.

Even knowing that a "time enhancer" will be able to earn 30 minutes every month at the end of these two hours is enough for him to believe in the business and act. Why not?

Following Vaden's advice, timekeepers use these four questions to reassess their daily to-do lists.

1: Can this task be disabled?

Simply said, whatever we say no to today could save us a lot of time tomorrow. We feel bad when we say yes to insignificant tasks for fear of failing others.

After speaking with one of the time extenders, Vaden heard something that would forever affect his life. Someone told her it was foolish to avoid saying "no." Because when you said "yes" to something or someone, you also said "no" to an infinite number of possibilities.

2: Is it possible to automate this task if I cannot eliminate it?

Paying bills online could help you gain time. What other obligations do you have now to protect your future? Do you buy any things on a regular basis? - pet food, food, and prescription drugs - how about automatic delivery? Instead of having to call or plan each appointment one by one, wouldn't it be lovely to be able to make them all at once?

Have you ever underestimated the time required to begin a procedure or a learning process and given up? Consider how much time you've spent buying pet food in the past.

  1. Can I delegate this task to someone else on my to-do list?

When it comes to delegating work, we are not as excellent at it as we are at distributing personal duties.

"No one can do this job as well as me," you say. Exceptions exist, but if you think about it long enough, you'll see that they, too, will accomplish their assignment.

4-Do I have to finish this task immediately or may I postpone it?

Vaden calls this "deliberate procrastination." Putting off a chore forever and feeling horrible about it isn't what we imagine. On purpose procrastinates rather than completely abandoning a task.


"There's a difference between knowing you need to do something and procrastinating to do it," explains Vaden. "First, you determine that now is not the time to do the assignment."

Postponing a task forces you to determine whether to remove, automate, or delegate it from your to-do list, and the work's priority or urgency grows, forcing you to accomplish it.

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