Methods for Improving Your Creative Thinking Capabilities

in #life3 years ago

Do you recall those who argued that artists were the only ones who could be creative? What about people who think it's a waste of time to be creative? Creativity is one of the most valued qualities in today's society, despite the fact that people with this perspective are still part of our educational system.

Employers are looking for those who can think beyond the box. Artists all across the world are putting in a lot of effort to improve their creativity. The entrepreneurs, on the other hand, we believe are suit-wearing artists.


In today's environment, creative thinking is regarded as a valuable quality. If you put forth enough work, everyone can take their creativity one step farther. “I'm not a creative person,” I continue to declare. People I encounter say things like, "This is pure nonsense, and I believe you are aware of it."

I believe we make a lot of assumptions about creative people. When you think about creativity, what comes to mind? Artists, musicians, or painters?

Creativity is simply doing things in a different way. You will be creative if you strive to tackle difficulties in a different way and with less effort.

I believe the four things you'll read today will be beneficial to your creative thinking. I didn't include classical recommendations in my list, such as getting adequate sleep, running, and listening to classical music. I'd also like to emphasise that you don't have to travel the globe to be more creative.

Let's get this party started.

Set boundaries for yourself. The biggest blunder I made was in my thinking. Like many others, I believed that once I was free, my creativity would blossom.

But I was mistaken. You think more creatively when you have rules, constraints, and limitations. Instead of condemning your boss or client for thinking too little, praise them.

Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, has a great quote on the subject:

“I believe that being trapped in a mould, like many other restraints, encourages innovation since you must create your own path to break free from these patterns.

Never be frightened to deviate from the norm. Is your budget set at 10,000 Turkish Liras? Then make a plan for how you'll spend the 5,000 TL. Is there a time limit for submitting your script? You finish it two weeks ahead of schedule.

When you have limited resources and time, you will find that you generate more innovative ideas.


Become dissatisfied with everything in a short period of time. When you're in the middle of making something creative, the first way is ideal. When you don't have anything, though, there is another option.

When it's difficult to take the first step, write the first sentence, or draw the first line, you could fear you're getting bored.

But be aware that this strategy will only work for you if everything in your life is going nicely. Do not miss the work if you are already bored with your job, life, or profession. Ordinary things are required if anything unusual is not occurring in your life. All you have to do now is get started. Whatever happens, you must act.

When ideas start to fly through your head, however, put everything on hold. You will discover how rewarding it is to develop something new, connect the dots, and generate new ideas at moments like these.

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