
Hello Laura,
Wow ... you really do have some difficult conditions to work with! I want to congratulate you on being so strong under such adversity - you clearly are tough and resourceful as you cope so well!
I recommend all to try inner engineering program with Sadhguru - he is so cool and up to date for an enlightened yogi that he has an online course that you can do in your own time at home. He also has courses in India and all round the world in person also. Many people with chronic life threatening disease have found there symptoms disappear after learning to simply mediate!
The course is not free as it makes cash income for Sadhguru's charitable projects which are incredible - including planting 114million trees to green his region of India and working with 50,000 schools to give meditation and spirituality to children across india to name but two of great works - and there are many more! So as I say the course is not free but if you would like to do it I will personally send you 20 dollars towards your cost. If you blog your desire to do this on steemit i reckon you could get the rest of the 130 dollars needed. It would be a pleasure to help you in some small way. No pressure at all ... only do this if you want to of course! But it will only do you good and it will make you even more blissful, all the time!

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