Every Day Isn't "Awesome".

in #life7 years ago

Not every day feels amazing.

-I want to reflect on something I’ve been feeling the last couple of days.

I’ve realized that not every day is going to feel amazing. It’s just the way life is. You’re going to have days when life throws a curveball that knocks you down or a hurdle that causes you to trip and fall.

You know what’s going to drag your through those tough days? Those days when you want to hit the snooze button?

Fire. That fire in your stomach. That inner toughness. Those goals you set that you so desperately want to hit.

I’m still working on getting that consistency to keep pounding no matter what. It’s hard as hell. I hate this saying, but “if it was easy, everyone would do it” is so true.

Drag yourself through the mud. Get yourself to enjoy the tough barriers you mind puts up. It’s so rewarding to push through average days and turn them into jet fuel that launches you into the days where it just clicks.

We should all work on this toughness. Mental toughness is the greatest strength of all. Develop it through those tough days and you’ll become unstoppable.


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