The stolen fishing. So they say. But I do not like to steal, so I always choose to go to the river.

in #life6 years ago

The stolen fishing. So they say.

But I do not like to steal, so I always choose to go to the river.

Quoted phrase and with the authorization of @hosgug

I was recently in Ciudad Bolívar my homeland and in this time the Orinoco tends to grow because of the rains that are falling in the head of the river that makes it grow in a huge way and this year it was like this, it has grown so much that it surpassed the area of what is known as the Orionco promenade, in addition to safety, many shops and houses nearby were evicted to avoid misfortunes, however in other areas where the river empties there the populations are much worse as they are being affected by the great floods, such is the case of Caicara del Orinoco until that town does not arrive, I do this introduction to mention the greatness of this river.

Now being on the Orinoco promenade from a part where the river has already entered but you can get there on foot there were many people fishing, I stood next to a Mr. and asked him what that form of fishing is called and said "stolen fishing" "What I thought was very curious the name because it's called that.

Then I started to investigate and I spent a long time talking with Mr. Pedro. He is the name of the fisherman and he began to explain the process that is in a nylon rope in which two hooks are placed every 15 cm and a line of Approximately 10 hooks, at the tip of the nylon a fishing lead, this is how the fishing line is prepared. But why is it called like that? good in the photos you can see that Mr. Pedro is on the shore that actually that is used to sit and be able to see the river in its splendor but since it is so high from there they throw their hook and they pull it hard and fast since that way the fish are stolen from the river, according to the fisherman's account; He explains to me that the fish are coming towards that wall in large quantities and when the hook is thrown and pulled quickly the fish remain on the hook.

I took several shots and I was waiting for him to take something out and well I really did not wait long while he told me how is the fishing process I take it twice but in that two moments I could not take a picture and again I do not spend much time to achieve these photos where he took a fish called bocachico then showed me a bucket where he had several species inside them is the famous Sapoara is the typical fish of that river but only in the months of July, August and September in its high season is a lagoon fish and just when the river grows is that it takes them out of those lagoons, I also take a peacock and some river sardines.

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Everything has its technique is not just to be there to be, he explained that he should know how to throw the nylon so that it does not get tangled up with that of the other fishermen or with the wall where the fish lie down.

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Once launched the line should only let the river take it but he must also take care that it is not released as the river in its current of water has a lot of force told me to leave two to three meters of ease for that can grab a good amount or those that can when he pulls the nylon.

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This is the interesting part, see the cloth glove that Mr. Pedro has this is precisely for the same force that he has to exercise to pull the nylon and not burn his hand and that helps him not to slip because in several Opportunities fishy fish of good size and they in their fight to escape has twice the strength and are helped with the same current of not having a good grip of that nylon can happen to be cut and lose the rope besides the fish, this fishing way generates a lot of fatigue for him since he must exert a lot of force when he has to pull to see if any fish comes on the hooks.

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While we spoke this was his second fishing, although it is a very small fish he says that it feeds his family or he can sell it.

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This is called bocachico I have eaten it and it really is very tasty and its size is more or less than that size I mean they are not very big but delicious, especially fried.

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Here you can set how I catch it you will see that there are several hooks and it is the most appropriate to fish in this way.

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Here this part of your catch of the day that big fish that you see there is the most famous of the Orinoco River is called Sapoara see how it was captured by the tail, the month of August in Ciudad Bolivar celebrate the fair of Sapoara in that fair is rewarded the fisherman who manages to take out the biggest and heaviest, now this year for the first time in many years the fair was suspended and it is because of the flood of the river that surpassed the safety levels for people, I comment for safety because in fact in that part there should not be anyone fishing if they can already observe the river passing on the side of the street. It is said that it has undermined part of the street of the Orinoco promenade. This is one of the reasons why it was suspended..

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Excelente!, jamás pense que ese pensamiento fuera la base para tan buena publicación. Gracias por dejarme ser parte de eso.

Gracias a ti. después de leer tu articulo vino como anillo al dedo. para este post.

También WK

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @lanzjoseg.


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