Thank you Mr. Jaro "@gamer00"

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Thank you Mr. Jaro "@gamer00"

Hello friends, this is a part of what happens in my life.

As many of you know, the terrible situation that we are living in Venezuela, to the point that only going out to eat in a restaurant is impossible and less with the salary of a university professor, the times that I want to save always have some kind of unforeseen, terrible form of the economy that surrounds us all Venezuelans, hyper-infallion is destroying our lives, the power to bring the necessary food to our home, is increasingly difficult, my friend @krenter told me about the platform and then explain many things necessary also he told me that it would help me a bit in the part of my family economy, he was very right, I appreciate that.

But this publication is to thank very formally a very noble person who really helps many because he knows what it is to be in economic problems. Two weeks ago I was immersed in many debts with credit cards, because it is the most used to buy food, thank God I hear my prayers. "God, I only ask you to provide me with the necessary tools to take my Family forward, I do not ask you to give me, just show me the way to go so I can get the necessary money and pay off my debts." Mr. Jaro @gamer00 for work and grace of God, gave his vote, in several of my publications.

That was magical for me, at the time of writing this for this publication, tears of joy come from my eyes, that gesture of my friend helped me to pay many debts, but not only that, I was able to help my mother and other very nearby, terrible situations also happen, my way of helping those people, is depositing part of the money from the sale of those coins to buy food.

On Sunday May 13 mothers day in Venezuela, I took my wife and daughters and adoptive mother to eat, we had more than a year and a half if being able to eat in a restaurant for the girls was something great and different because they had a long time without eating out of the house and not being able to eat even ice cream from a good ice cream parlor, in principle I had also planned to take the girls to the movies but they closed it for insalubrity, thank God the girls understand that and I hope I can fulfill that desire, for the cinema I think we have more than two years without being able to attend a function.

Mr. Jaro by my wife's request I have not published photos of my family. I hope you can understand that.


We went to a shopping center, we had lunch at a food fair, my little girl Sofia, she wanted to eat at that place where they sell fried chicken, the ice creams are super delicious, that's where we bought them for the whole family.


My wife and my oldest daughter Victoria @victorialanz they decided on Pizza and my mom wanted to eat Sushi

All photos were taken with my ZTE A-410 cell phone

That afternoon was very fun and full of flavors in family togetherness.

Lanz línea 200px.jpg

If you like my work and want to support me a little more, you can send me a Bitcoin_Hamburguesa


I hope you like it.

** I invite you to vote, comment, follow me and share**

Thank you Mr. Jaro "gamer00"


I congratulate you friend @lanzjoseg, that you have set aside your time and you gave him some moments of joy with the family. Of course your tenacious work in steemit is already giving you good results. receive a fraternal hug.

Thank you for sure. Well, you and I know what we live in this country and what is economically limited. Thanks for your support.

Sounds like a great day with you family.. congratulation dear.. always be happy and keep smiling.. @lanzjoseg

I'm glad you got to enjoy a day off at a restaurant with your family. And I am really honored to have been a help to you. I just hope there are other such happy stories happening around Steem.

I also wish you and your family will make your own Steem fortune one day. Good luck!

Thanks for your good wishes. Friend Jaro

The time wihich spend with friend or with family is really precious time and memorial.congrats that you have to chance to go outside with family

Thank you. Friend that is, it was very nice to go out with them.

He sure is a great person he have also been supporting me for a long time :)

I am grateful to @gamer00 as well.

Stay blessed Jaro you sure are a great man and keep helping the people in need.

Thank you for leaving a comment in my thank you to Mr. Jaro

Me alegra mucho poder ver a otro paisano resolver (aunque sea un poco) esta terrible situacion de nuestro pais. Tambien soy seguidor de @gamer00, lo conoci por otro gigante como lo es @markkujantunen y como dices tu ayuda a muchos con su apoyo. Vi este articulos por un resteem que te dio tambien. Deseo un Mejor Futuro para ti y tu familia hermano. Gracias @gamer00!!!

Asi es amigo, ellos dos son muy buenas personas, de verdad ayudan a muchos Venezolanos. Gracias por tus buenos deseo, te sigo desde hace tiempo y siempre te veo en los comentarios de ellos. JAJA :D

Saludos desde la Isla de Margarita!!!

Saludos desde este lado del charco en Barcelona.

Hello my friend @lanzjoseg, I am happy to have known this platform where we generate income sharing content and interacting, really the economic situation of us here in Venezuela is very difficult and many times we do not see them tight, when I buy food in my case, it is not my obligation because I am still studying, but thanks to this I have been able to help my mother at home for many expenses. I am 100% grateful to many of you, I hope God multiplies them and thank you very much for your help @gamer00 @lanzjoseg

Congrates friend same story i am also working to earn for family.

Great story of thanks, dear friend José, I really have to thank @ gamer00 for the intention and purpose that he has with each of his valuable vows, because he is an example and his way of working in Steemit through the healing of comments are something that other people who have more voting power do not do. May God bless Jaro!

Si todos actuaran como el, esto fuera muy diferente, y alli si de verdad se aplicara el Principio de Ganar Ganar.

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