Have you ever actually tried this? You won't believe how hard it is!

in #life7 years ago

So, as I've said before, I was widowed five years ago. Lately I've been thinking I'm in the right place to enter into a new relationship. Now, at 50 years old, and 30 years out of the dating scene, I'm well outside my comfort zone.
Enter, the internet dating game. Simple, or so I thought...
All details entered, photos uploaded, I sit back and wait. Sure enough, in no time at all, I was recieving notifications of guys viewing my profile, sending winks and messages! Incredibly scary in itself!
Now, as stated previously, I'm a long time out of the dating game. What appears to happen now is, suitable "matches" are kind of interviewed, then, I guess, shortlisted, if you like. Then maybe an initial date with a few...
This is where I struggle with the whole process. In my day, you weren't chatted up in a pub or club, then watched the guy chat up half a dozen others, before he shortlisted his favourites, and possibly dated each before whittling it down a bit further!!!
This whole process takes quite some time, hardly like a night at the local pub.
I think I might be here a while...

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