The Face(book) of Loneliness

in #life5 years ago

I just created a new Facebook account. Not that I want to spend time there, I hardly ever use my real account. I just needed a fake account to promote some of the articles I write for the real-life job I was telling you about.
I’ve never done this before, but I knew one way is to join groups, preferably large ones with thousands of members. This is how I got to join a local group called Beautiful thoughts or something like that - didn’t actually pay attention. Normally, I would be inclined to make fun of the people who have nothing better to do than post in such groups, but a two-minute visit on their page made me extremely sad. Post after post with pictures of nice flowers and ‘Have a good evening messages’, You, too, have a nice evening’. On and on. Nothing personal. This people don’t seem to know each other. They have nothing to say to each other. Generic terms - ‘I love you, beautiful people…’

I keep asking myself, why? Are these people so terribly lonely they find comfort in wishing total strangers a pleasant evening? Have them answer back with a heart and another picture of other flowers? I wonder who these people are? You know, the woman sitting on the couch right now, sending out hearts and smileys to random people? Actually, I’d rather not try to imagine what it is that this people do in their lives… I think I’d kill myself, rather than be so pathetic…

And no, I don’t feel bad for infiltrating such groups with my fake identity. I only shared a couple of articles and judging by the complete lack of ideas on that page giving them something to read can only be an improvement for these people. And I did leave a few random hearts and likes, hopefully this will make somebody's evening a little better.
Just how sad can life be when you have nothing to talk about, nothing to say, nothing that might interest you… and no one to talk about nothing…

Thanks for reading (beautiful people)! :)


It is sad. I talk occasionally with a guy a little older than me, and all he wants to discuss are the car groups he runs on Fakebook. He knows I am not on Fakebook, knows that I am not obsessive about cars yet all he focuses on are those groups. He would be lost without them.

Many seem shocked when they find out I don't use Fakebook, and when I explain the selling of your information and manipulation of information, most just shrug with dumb looks on their face with that glazed over look in their eyes.

Sheeple gotta sheeple.

Come on, at least your guy has some semblance of a passion... it's more than hearts and flowers!
I stay away from FB as much as I can, as it has cost me a lot of friends, people I actually knew but had to unfriend because of the stupid shit they kept posting. My oldest friend just shared a video about table napkins, even though she has no family, doesn't throw parties and never has guests for dinner... I had to ignore it as I'm running out of friends.

His fault (in my estimation) is knowing I am into neither, and vehemently opposed to one of them, and being so self absorbed that he insists that we will continue to talk about it. As I have aged, I have lost my patience for those who are that self absorbed.

had to unfriend because of the stupid shit they kept posting. My oldest friend just shared a video about table napkins, even though she has no family, doesn't throw parties and never has guests for dinner

Reminds me of those (like my ex) who always posted memes attributed to the likes of Gandhi or one of the Buddhas about peace, yet was one of the angriest self centered people one could know in real life once one was close enough to have the mask slip away a little.

Don't miss any of it. Sometimes it is a blessing not to have the intent of family and others thrust in ones face 24/7 :)

You are beautiful too..have a beautiful evening <3 <3, really - have a great night!

Actually, I did have a great evening - we went out to listen to some music, took a walk through the park...
even better, now I'm having vodka with orange juice.... never knew orange juice was so good :))

Sounds like a great evening indeed! I went to bed early so I could make it to work this morning lol

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