Stay out of my bubble!

in #life6 years ago

It’s so easy to live in your own bubble’. Really?
I ran into the above statement while doing some random search in an attempt to get a handle on the topic that’s on my mind - the bubble I currently live in. Needless to say, the statement irritated me no end. One of the main problems with bubbles is that they’re bubbles - that is they’re fragile and you have to have good navigation skills to avoid them being burst.
I am literally struggling to post something. Not that I have lost faith or lack ideas, it’s just that there are too many irritations lately, too many pointy little things trying to burst my bubble. I cannot agree with those that tell you to listen to other ideas and get out of your comfort zones. I’ve earned my right to live in my own bubble, I like it in here and I’m under no obligation to listen to your ideas if I don’t feel like.

That's what my bubble looks like this crypto winter.

A few days ago, I did my utmost best to be peopley and reconnect with relatives I haven’t seen in a while. It went OK as far as social norms go and there was beer at least. Nevertheless, I was glad to see the meeting over, because we don’t belong in the same bubble anymore. We used to, but that was long ago. I am aware some peace offering was expected of me, but... no, I’m good in my own bubble and I don’t want to go back being in yours, not even from time to time.
Other botherations are waiting down the line, I don’t know exactly why I agreed to them, but fact is I already know I’ll have to defend my own bubble.

Another fact about bubbles people tend to ignore is that they are translucent, which means those living inside still see what’s going outside. We see, hear and judge ideas floating outside our bubbles.
Frankly, I don’t like many of the things going on outside, which is why I’d rather stay in my bubble. Some days even reading the news is too much and that’s a sheltered way of dealing with the outside world as I am free to click on something else anytime. Why would I want to engage in actual conversation on topics I already find offensive? The proponents of this course of action assume that by listening to arguments contrary to your beliefs you might change your mind (and accept more mainstream values). Problem is I don’t want to do that. The ideas currently floating around in my bubble are there because at some point I decided I want to believe in them. Based on my own judgement. If I pick up some interesting echo from the outside world that I find worth considering, I might change some of my ideas and make the necessary alterations to my own bubble.
Maybe that’s the main problem society has with those ‘living in their own bubble’, they’re impervious to generally accepted views. At the very least, you're expected to come out and explain your views, present your arguments, probably. Again, why would I want to do that?
Another annoying comment I found online about people living in their own bubble - ‘they think they have all the answers’. Actually, I do have all the answers, based on my own judgement at this time. I don’t feel the need to be confronted on a daily basis with ‘your answers’ as I’ve already considered them and found them lacking. That’s how I came up with my own answers in the first place.

Disclaimer: Following @ned’s announcement only 30% of my brain power has been employed in the writing of this post (and I didn’t have much brain power to begin with)!

Thanks for reading


Image: Pixabay


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