A glitch in the system

in #life6 years ago (edited)

‘May the odds be ever in your favor’. Only they’re not. If you try hard enough, you can almost hear an ironic voice whispering the Hunger Games catchphrase in every newborn’s ear.
Even though we mercifully don’t have to compete in real hunger games (yet), the system is forever rigged against us. Most of us set out in life trying to play by the rules and work very hard, hoping the odds would favor us. Many die without realizing the game of life they’ve played was rigged from the get-go.


Yesterday, I discovered a glitch in ‘Candy Crush’ (don’t judge, please!) and took advantage of that lucky break to build a stash of boosters. As I was doing that, I still had that nagging feeling that I was cheating and the game might somehow notice that. (Which is weird, if you think about it, after all it’s just a program, some computer code with no business to judge me.)
However, being engaged in a mindless activity of clicking back and forth, I had plenty of time to think of the bigger game we all play. The game of life has its own glitches and I think it’s safe to say none of us, people of Steemit, have access to those glitches. Only a select few benefit from them and I don’t think they waste any time feeling guilty to be cheating.
Many of us took to cryptocurrencies because they feel like a glitch in the big financial system which is decidedly not in our favour. What keeps us here is the belief we may have found a glitch in the system. (That, and, of course, the basic human need of sharing our thoughts and finding someone to ‘talk’ to.)
We hope and believe cryptos and the blockchain technology are our lucky break, our way to get out of the system and live the life we want. And I’m not talking Lambos here, I wouldn’t know what to do with one.
At the same time, it’s quite clear cryptos need to become mainstream and attract big players if there’s any hope of going to the moon. And big players already know how to glitch any game they might be playing. Where does that leave us? I guess we’ll have to just keep playing and study the game carefully, hoping we, too, get a lucky break.

I do know you’re silently judging me for wasting my time playing Candy Crush, yet it is through constant playing that I was able to spot the glitch and use it to my advantage. On the other hand, I don’t feel that guilty for spending an hour clicking like a maniac last night, as, at the same time, I had Steemit in another tab and watching meagre rewards going down can be quite depressing. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the lucky break I’m looking for from cryptos, but at least I found a small glitch in a stupid game!

Thanks for reading

Images: 1. 2


I liked the part with "don't judge please" :))

I guess that if I had a lambo, I would sell it for money to buy myself a house and candies with the change :)

Now I reached the end of your article (I am trying to write my comments as I read the article and spot different things) and I want to say that you should never feel bad for playing a game. I was a gamer and spent countless hours playing games and I know that this is your escape from the reality. It is a much better one than drinking or doing other things that could harm you.

Maybe you will get that lucky shot one day, I really hope this for many people, and I am sure that you are one who deserves it!

Who said anything about feeling bad?! I've always had some game or another to play and I'm wise enough to accept myself :))
There's something I don't understand in your comment, though - I don't know what gave you the idea that gaming excludes drinking. Seriously, I'm perfectly able to do both at the same time!

I am glad to see adult people who accept their guilty pleasures, this is pretty rare in our society today. Embracing these escapes is a sign of inner peace and maturity which most people these days are missing

Yesterday, I discovered a glitch in ‘Candy Crush’ (don’t judge, please!)

I don't know where to begin.....


Begin with, "Tell us more about this glitch..."

You're just jealous as you don't have lots of color bombs and hammers 😂 and I'm still stuck on a level!

...I need to get a smartphone - I'm missing out on so much!

We all play videogames don't worry; the simple ones are the best to take your mind off from all the "serious thinking".
You're right, everything is more or less rigged, but if you have the intelligence to understand the glitch why not reap the benefits, as long as you're not hurting anybody else.

Nah, I wasn't hurting anyone... the guys that own this game have made a lot of money from it so no need to worry about them.

It's all about monopolizing on those "glitches" before those little windows of opportunity shut. My guilty game is "Hearthstone" and every expansion release there ends up being some wild swings in unbalance as some cards prove to be crazy overpowered. The smart ones are quick to build a deck that takes advantage of that before the HS team rushes in to patch and rebalance...
Here's to your Lambo!!

I don't know this game, but I can totally understand:)

Sometimes we have small glitches in life we are able to the advantage of, but they are usually short lived. Just have to make the most of it while it's there.

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