Stuck on a Dock - A hobo misadventure

in #life8 years ago (edited)


slept outside last night. I didn't get moving early enough.

But before I got to a place to sleep I was stuck down on that dock in the picture. I stupidly poked around on the boat and got nicely wet feet.

When I say stuck, there was a ladder down to it that had a board locked over it. Easy to slide down, but nothing to climb up.

Well, I lay there exasperated by my predicament, and eventually I just had to damned well get back up on the street. The edge of the ladder thing had some stuff I could get a foothold on.

I was horrified to learn first time trying that I couldn't lift my body weight. I felt like an invalid! This was more the misery than the actual situation. I used to be a monkey... I have climbed all over all sorts of things.

Thanfully I escaped. I found an old sleeping place out of the weather and I am going to sort out my clothes this morning. I am glad it wasn't that cold.

Man, feeling trapped, it was horrible! I gotta fix this. It was kinda exciting though.

We can't stop here! This is Whale country!

Loki was born in Australia, now is wandering Amsterdam again after 9 months in Sofia, Bulgaria. IT generalist, physics theorist, futurist and cyber-agorist.

Loki's life mission is to establish a secure, distributed layer atop the internet, and enable space migration, preferably while living in a beautiful mountain house somewhere with a good woman, and lots of farm animals and gardens, where he can also go hunting and camping.

"I'm a thoughtocaster, a conundrummer in a band called Life Puzzler. I've flipped more lids than a monkey in a soup kitchen, of the mind."
- Xavier, Renegade Angel

All images in the above post are either original from me, or taken from Google Image Search, filtered for the right of reuse and modification, and either hotlinked directly, or altered by me


mad scary. glad you made it out tho

Thank you for posting @l0k1.

Sounds like you kept a clear head, that is the main thing. can imagine what you must have thought when you realized the reality/frailty of our bodies.. @knirky and @meesterboom have both written about their experiences with this reality. Knirky's title was ? Meninsus Knee $200 bounty and Meesterboom's was ? Power Boot. Not that you had an injury but for them it was also that particular realisation which you mentioned above.

Wishing you all the best. Cheers.

Glad to hear your alright ! What a scary experience it must have been ! Especially in the winter , its going to be minus 14 here tonight and i sure wouldnt want to be in your situation when its that cold! Just keep steeming on! That will warm you up ! 👍✌

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