Bumps in the Road - A Hobo Diary Entry

in #life7 years ago


I was pleasantly surprised back on 20th of December to learn there seemed to be no issues about me getting a welfare payment. Well, it turns out there may be some little curly ends to untangle.

I didn't notice until today they had my name on the papers I was given as L Verloren... This name change business has been incredibly retarded. As a consequence when I went to check my mail, it wasn't there, they had no slot for me.

So tomorrow morning, I mean later in the morning, I have to see a social worker and see about getting this nonsense sorted out. Hopefully it will be nothing too complicated...



also have been powering down, as you can see if you look at my account, and I am making use of the savings account function to help me be more disciplined. I have some €85 worth stacked up in there now...

The theory is that I will keep saving/powering down it until I can buy that sweet Blackview BV6000 phone... But maybe that plan will change. I am powering down but I am very reluctant to sell it unless I am sure the money spent makes money...



friend found a smartphone in the post NYE clutter in the streets. He has a fancy Nikon camera and he takes pretty good photos. But he doesn't want to post them himself but have me do that, and the writing. He speaks good english but it is pretty broken... His technical english is good though...

So I might have something to work with soon. I told him my deal was he gives me the phone to use, and gives me pictures, then I assemble posts and the payout I send back to his account and use my card to cash it out and give him his money... Since I would be getting half in SP I think that works out.

He also does not want to be famous... I mean, he wants to stay anonymous. He thinks if I post the photos they will earn more than he could with his account. I can't argue with that...

So I will be making posts soon to share these photographs. Hopefully tomorrow he has the phone fixed and we can set it up to be my new Steem Workstation 😁 It has a fancy protective case so it should survive me pretty good.


We can't stop here! This is Whale country!


It pays to help a friend. God Bless You

Sound like a great plan to me ! It's a win/ win situation ! Good luck ! Steem on👍😉♨

That could be a fantastic business arrangement between the 2 of you @l0k1.
I hope it works out and he provides the photos and the backstory for you to transform and post.
Happy New Year to you and yours! :)

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