What is ProtectionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

It is Survival, the number 1 animal instinct

It isn't merely learning a Martial Art or method of fighting (hand-to-hand, knife, firearm or other weapons), it is an all encompassing lifestyle requisite. Protection does not need to be bunkers, barbed wire and sealed perimeters.... well some may,but not your average individual.

Yes of course physical means of protection are also needed, but you now need more protection against cyber crimes, identity theft, health risks from poisoned foods and prescription medication, intellectual property theft, savings and financial safety, privacy and so much more.

We are attacked daily and the first step in fighting it, is realizing it.

Once you have reached this realization, you can then develop strategies and plans to safeguard you and your loved ones. This is the Vital Point. One of your most powerful weapons for protection is common sense. You must prepare and you must begin now, making it a habit and part of everyday life.

Let's first examine the idea of preparing or as now labeled, being a "Prepper"... I do not mean hardcore bunkers and tanks (although they may have merit), I mean common sense ways to think about your future and present to safeguard you and your family.


And parents of my generation all had pantries, extra refrigerators and freezers full of food, that was considered normal at one time and just common sense. Just as survival is number 1, number 2 is Food and water. We all need it and it is the most important aspect of being prepared for natural disasters or even financial collapse. And lets face it food never gets less expensive, it keeps going higher and higher with quality and nutrition getting less and less. This ramifies on your health and mental state as well as ability to cope with additional problems.

An easy common sense solution is to double up when you shop for food, hygienic products or household supplies. Not only do you build up stores for tough times, but you also do something financially smart as well. It is called dollar (euro or other currency), cost averaging. Let's first look at the bank, you put money in and they give you what 1/2 of one percent (while they make 90+% on your money), so that is completely absurd and why many never can get ahead. Instead of that money in the bank.... when you see food or household goods on sale buy double what you usually get. As an example and keeping it simple look at a bag of Rice... say you see a $1.99 bag of rice on sale for$.99 (saving you $.$1.00), you buy 2 get one virtually free or 100% return on your money (no bank or investment can do that, as quickly for you). And you have added personal security for at least another day for your family. Take it a step further and in one year time when that same bag of rice costs $2.49 you have additional savings as well as the security that if the banks close (like Cyprus and Italy over the past years) or a natural disaster hits like Hurricane Sandy which closed New York down for over a week in some areas, you at least have food! You know food will never be this inexpensive again in your lifetime so the best time to begin is now. How much better off will you be in a year of preparing like this when compared to not doing it? Will you always gain 100% , no but you should get at least 25-50% gain on your money as well as further potentials... as well as being prepared... so you double your personal security, you protect and gain from your financial common sense.

Protection is simple common sense, but that has been lost in modern times... it is well past time we get back to it.

This is a Vital Point.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: wikipedia


yup well we used to have communities as well, towns and cities, nowadays it's noise and chaos, people leaving out their financial, health, personal even identity securities to companies and "others" just because they think others know better what to do, a few days ago I asked a friend while she was washing the floor, "do you think it's safe to breathe those chemicals" she say "well why would they make it" and I thought yeah that's nice to think, but really, I bet nobody has thought of everything before they did anything.

Anyways, taking care and being prepared should be top on the list if anything it just gives you more freedom and time to calm down, which I think is the biggest problem, overstimulation with information causing a hectic daily grind where you have to chase magical bullshit, while being subservient to someones interests or sick ideals

I absolutely agree with you... the more frustrating dynamic is when your family does listen to your views and just think your nuts. I am lucky we had the time since the 2008 mess to instill a bit more (of what I consider), common sense.

yup, the world is green and we all love it, we all love giving up everything for use by whatever company, so yeah we pardon and we pay for everyone's mistakes, because we like what we have so it doesn't matter, it's funny how people make money on other's backs, cause calamities then just put the blame somewhere,

I'm not sure we have enough common sense tho, back then there was a lot of what is deemed "hatespeech" like all the movies against banking and fractional reserve banking, derivatives and all that crap, zeitgeist movement, nowadays people have forgotten all the bad deeds still being committed, economic destruction, even wars still raging, political corruption and instability, basically politicians and economists have kind of failed in my eyes, they neither provide a cornerstone for conversation nor opportunity for change and growth, it's the same old if you're in my pocket we can work together by ourselves for mostly ourselves

on another note, check your district representative, there should be a net neutrality ruling in around two days, I was meaning to make a post about it and I have, I just read the wiki and it turns out there should be a internet protest or something like that today :D but still I bet more people are hooked on Instagram and Twatter then are willing to step back and gain their edge back in critical thinking

Have faith, I believe they are all coming down with the 9000 (Keeps growing) sealed indictments for all those crimes. From the dawn of time there were those without a skiff of common sense and or intellect... but as long as it ain't you, it is a good day indeed!

What a protection exactly i am strange, it's make a new innovation of protection, nobody or any attack can't attack here @kyusho

yeah its right and thanks to give a advice in ur article @kyusho

Nothing our parents and grandparents didn't do... we just thought we knew better.

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