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in #life7 years ago (edited)

To see the light


Many of us that train in the protection arts train long and hard to accomplish our peak physical, mental and spiritual edge.

But often we ignore or do not understand how much we are still missing, or what more is possible. We train in beautiful gyms and training halls, wearing modern athletic wear... that moves us further and further from the reality we may need.

We also miss what can be perceived on the inside.

Humans rely too heavily on light and sight for our balance and actions. Light also gives us depth perception and special judgement that enables our physical movement and cognitive thought.

So how does the body work in low to no light conditions?

Well in some areas it stimulates good changes while in others it creates difficulties. Our eyes focus as example, changes from focused to peripheral sight mode. Instead of looking at an object or horizon, the pupils dilate to not only take in more light, but also a wider field to sense motion. This is a crucial training tool to train against the tunnel vision, as the peripheral sight becomes easier to utilize and as such combats the tendency toward more focused sight.

2. Other Benefits

As you train in the dark your other senses like hearing, smell and sensory nerves become more alert and function at higher levels. If you do not work with these you do not realize how much more capability you have and can employ.

We can all appreciate a pet that hears what we do not as they are more balanced in their use of all senses. Humans are too sight oriented and therefore miss so much more.

Balance is improved as are body extensions, for those that try training in the dark for the first time become instantly aware of this oddity. I call it odd as you would think that just a simple kick or punch as example would be easy in a no light situation. Yet balance and apprehension severely restricts the action as well as the speed and power of each limb.

However once we can surpass this mental block, we achieve a greater level of skill even in a lighted environment. It has to do with your innate "fine muscle actions", that under stress become restricted. The apprehension of safe depth perception that is removed in unlighted environments, gives enough stress to enable this survival function. (Basically the blood flow is diverted to major muscles for the fight or flight response).

Enhance you art

Yoga, Dance, Martial Art or any physically expressive art can benefit in this time of training.

As we delve deeper into our inner perception and understanding without the external distraction.

But like everything, start slow and carefully as you should with anything totally new or dynamically different from your status quo.

Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: pichost, andhakara


The dark also enhances self-perception of subtle energies as the EM fields tend to be weak (but still measurable).

A way deeper connection with all but distraction... and optical overload.

True, the distraction is the hardest thing to ignore. I have experienced the state, but it is not permanent - from that point of view, the distractions can easily be ignored as arising from elsewhere.

Ok. Jedi training for me. Lights out!
thanks for one more helpful post

May the force be with you... ever try it before?

Yes, but not enough apparently!
With eyes closed for balance improvement is frequent. In the dark just a few times but I really like the idea of avoiding the tunnel vision. I'm adding this to my routine.

Great post.@kyusho I got best that how can we get advantages in the darkness

Such a very important philosophy post about "Train in the Dark" @kyusho.
Lot of Yoga,opera stylish dancers and mediators can be advantages their training in dark. Darkness possibility relax our mind and then basically the blood flow is diverted to main muscles. Its will be better for our healthy.
Other way training of the darkness listening, memorization & other activities successfully.
However Very valuable blog you sharing smartly matching future humanity.
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We must always try to give our thoughts and experiences that they may help others.

its a useful infomation for me, now i can understand why some master of martial art practice in dark, gain cincentration and enhance body sense organ, thanks.

A vital concept many miss.

Very interesting post. Train is life

Yes it is!

Some asanas I practice with my eyes closed, , it brings me a lot more in tune with my body and balance works totally different.

I think as we cut out the distractions we are most attuned to, we get more attuned to ourselves.

Very better philosophy post @kyusho.
Upvote and resteem your article

Thank You

very nice explained there!

Why thank you right kindly.

Train is life. Very good philosphy

I think the only philosophy.

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