The Single Most Important Reason for Cryptos

in #life6 years ago (edited)

They (some), are Deflationary

Say what you will about the alts, however the real need for the crypto currencies like BTC and LTC, are that the more they are used, the greater their value becomes. As the years advance, so too will their value due to less available supply.

We all know our currencies will lose more and more value, even our other investment denominated in them. Bitcoin (as the monicker for all), will increase just from time and use... this means we can have a less worrisome future and retirement at the level earned.

Thanks so much Dad

I watched my father bust his ass for all my life, working into his 70’s out of necessity (he put his life on the line for freedom of all in WWII). Even with his social “security”, veterans and work pensions as well as “benefits” he died in lack.

A bit more background; at age 5 he began working as his immigrant father was killed in a bus accident. His mother did not work as the husband and four children needed her at attention at home. So over 65 years of his life he devoted to family support and sustenance... only to see that all his arduous life earned him no peace or reward at the end.

However if his savings appreciated in value, not only would he have been better off in their retirement, he would have appreciated his life more. When people have financial hardship later in life, they feel unaccomplished, failed and regress faster.

Steemit is one Financial Steem

That will help you in the future years. Let’s face it, there are many stories now of how it helped so many. Imagine what it will be like in 5 or 10 years. Those that have accumulated early from their labors will have a higher yield in their future.

You are in the right place at the right time, working with the right instruments.

May you live your life in abundance


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: effecthacking , family treasures


Diflation is a great benefit of cryptocurrencies. It is very good in my country (Ukraine). Our Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) had a great inflation in past.

We have too only more hidden... the clock is still ticking though.

The important thing of all this matter of the cryptos, is definitely the opening towards a new paradigm that goes beyond all the financial advantage that already shows and that still has not had time to develop in the little time that they have between us.
-Lo importante de todo este asunto de las cryptos, es definitivamente la apertura hacia un nuevo paradigma que va mas alla de toda la ventaja financiera que ya muestra y que todavia no ha tenido tiempo de desarrollar en el poco tiempo que tienen entre nosotros.

Time here is the important part... we must take advantage of this before time has taken advantage of us.

You are right. I had saved approx. 2200 steem as steem power, but I withdraw whole amount leaving 100 steem power due to some finance need. So right now I don't have much savings in my account.

Always time to rebuild, at least it was there as you needed... and not like in many a retirement folks have.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63135.01
ETH 2546.56
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64