Quantum Entanglement - The Star Children

in #life6 years ago


An Opinion

We all recognize that quantum physics and entanglement is real, but what exactly is it. To answer would take more than an encyclopedia of theorem, data and quite frankly you would probably not understand more than you already do by reading such a post.

To simplify the idea (not in scientific terms), we can just understand that throughout the universe, subatomic particles act as if they are connected. Quantum entanglement means that every action, thought, feeling and emotion was, is and will be connected. We are all made up of the same atoms, photons and electrons that have existed from the beginning of time, which are in turn always in a constant state of vibration. Even our humanness such as our emotions, feelings, hearts and minds have an innate ability to affect what frequency our molecular structure vibrates at.

Therefore these topics are not so far fetched:

* Prophecies

* Predictions

* Remote Viewing

Perhaps these types of people are induced by this entanglement, as they are simply more sensitive to the vibrations of the particles and if so, they then are able to sense what was, is and will be due to the Quantum Entanglement.

We have special people in our world that were typically shunned, with few exceptions like Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Uri Geller and others. But now as we awaken we are beginning to embrace these gifted few more and more... especially with the wave of new sensitives such as "Star Children". (The above mentioned being Rainbow types)

Star Children

There are 3 main classifications for these marvelously gifted children, being; Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow each with their own personality. They embody energetic grace, truth, purity and wisdom beyond their years and most humans.

Indigo Children (ADHD)

These children are known as creators seeking the path for a new world and often possessing the warrior spirit rebelling against old systems and ways that no longer serve humanity (such as we find ourselves now in the genius that is the Cryptographers). They are often labeled as bratty or stuck up, but they are here to re-create the fundamental ideas of society, government, education and the legal system anywhere integrity is lacking. The Indigo Children refuse to be manipulated and they are able to see through the lies and facades. Some Indigo Children are even diagnosed (labeled) as ADHD due to their sensitivity and ability to exist in a higher and faster-paced level.

Crystal Children (Autistic)

The Crystal children are held in contrast to Indigo children as they appear to bring harmony to the new world (created by the Indigo Children). They are blissful and even-tempered as they set an example for others as they follow they seek the path of a safer, more secure world. Most of these wonderful Children, hold innate mental, physical and spiritual gifts that are so often misunderstood, many being labeled or "diagnosed" with severe autism. Crystal Children exist at a much higher frequency and do not require typical verbal communication. As such, many have delayed speech patterns not even speaking until the later ages of three or four. Their minds reach much deeper than others can see and they are incredibly intuitive, only understood by those that can also be at their level of communication.

Rainbow Children (Telepathic)

The Rainbow Children are relatively new in modern time with quickly expanding occurrence. They are the highest example of human potential as they embody true divinity, with a goal is to serve others. They possess extremely giving and fearless personality with no difficulty emotionally or in repelling negative energy and or emotion. The Rainbow Children are the rarest and most unique type of Star Child, as their abilities are not all known, but they always seem to arrive when the world needs them most. Carrying on the changes from the Indigo and Crystal Children have made, they are the final piece of the puzzle. They can see the future and read others thoughts and feelings, with the "quick study" approach to learning and instantaneous manifestation of their desires (for their situations and not just themselves). They are selfless souls, always wanting to be of service with many becoming healers spiritual practitioners, artists, musicians and creative types seeking to make multi-colored (Rainbows) bridges that connect Humans to Spirit.

The next question is will human created machines also be able to tap into this phenomenon... and if so reveal all that was, is and will be?


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: mylot, huffpost, stuartduncan, perceptivechildren


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Our world is entering a kind of evolutionary acceleration that seeks to take us to universal integration, as an important period is necessary guidance, the care of beings not to say superior but if they have the ability and are at the service of the next step we are point of giving as humanity ... Good good post

Good good reply!

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