New Queen Mother Witch

in #life6 years ago

Move Over Hillary

So Pelosi somehow wrangles the Speaker of the House position and takes over the “Demoncrats” Queen Witch title.

Immediately she begins her campaign of misdirection, fraud and treachery... assuming the role HRC was to assume.

Her most recent lie

Pelosi was just called out again for trying to postpone the State if the Union address by Trump. She is attempting to do this by fraudulently claiming that unfunded Secret Service Agents can not provide adequate protection. This has since been refuted and debunked by Secret Service and DHS agents.

Trump signs GEFTA

President Trump quietly signed the Government Employee Fair Treatment Act, guaranteeing those that did not call out of work (like Pelosi), as they were not getting paid these last 26 days due to government shutdown.

Again Trump out maneuvers Pelosi, as she and her fellow traitors continued fig their Acts of Treason hole deeper.

“These People are Stupid” - Q


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

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