Good Vibrations

in #life7 years ago

Warning; entering a zone many do not understand or want to

Everything is really has a duality, Yin and Yang if you will... but more importantly positive and negative polarities. This affects everything in life as there is also a constant flow between them. It however does not flow fluiidly, as they do oppose each other, so it is more of a labored vibration.

The higher the vibrational rate, the easier the transmissions back and forth move...and the easier the task at hand. This is in all of life with emotions, relations, awareness, how smoothly your life proceeds... it permeates all.


As an example of this constant flow and vibration through the polarities (and why certain things do not work for you), is in your desire to have something. This could be physical possesions or even friendship... whatever you want, if you are constantly thinking you do not have it... the two polarities are more oppositional.

You can not focus on the desire, or the lack as it automatically sets up a powerful polar opposite. This increases the Vibration and the wavelength of that vibration so, like the crypto markets, the volatility becomes a powerful headwind.


Did you know that humans do not see with their eyes, we actually "see" with image reflection at the back of our eyes. What our eyes actually do is pick up a light frequency that is transmitted into our brain to monitor for cells of recognition for categorization.

So if we have programed our subconscious with want, desire, abscense... that is what we see as we only focus clearly on the recognition of something we have already. This in turn repels that what we want and see as "Our" reality.

We typically see future and past as opposed to now, looking at something and projecting a future vision based off past experiences. We are not therefore living in the now and the real vibrations around us.

Your Nervous System

Sit down for this one... your nervous system has no idea what is real or not. Science revealed that the average human has 65,000 thoughts a day, 95% of which are subconscious, we are not even consciouss of them. What we are conscious of is already programmed and recognizable vibrations. So for something to be real for us, we must train our subconscious to instantly recognize that it already is.

As children things that are not real (like monsters, or ficticious friends) seem real as the mind will create your most emotionalized thought at any given time. And they cause real physiological changes like sweaty palms, or difficulty breathing, a racing heart or even joy... in fact your body creates that moment andphysical reaction to it.

Your reality is a vibrational manisfestation of what you give the most emtional belief in.

Reverse Engineer

We can then use this powerful ability to manifest thoughts into realities. By feeling yourself as already in possession or achieving or enjoying, then your nervous system and subconscious will bring that reality forth for you.

So make an effort to eliminate thoughts of having in the future or not having in the past and consider feeling staisfied and happy you have it in the now. This programsyour nervous system and subconscious to vibrate at the frequency of least resistance and actually bring it to your reality.


We have a guidance system and monitor that subconsciusly let's us know where we are at any given moment... and that is our E-Motions. But most of us are so unaware of the way we feel now as we are locked in the future or past.

The very word Emotion can be dissected as "E" "Motion" orEnergy in Motion. Our mental, physical and spiritual energy is in motion all the time... this in turn creates how and eventually who you are. This energy is what you emit and is exatly what we become.

When we emote sadness this lower frequency has greater volitility spikes and drops, totaly exhausting. When we emote the higher frequency of joy or satisfaction the lack of volitility repelsless and therefore more comes to us.

What reality are you creating for yourself?


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: humansarefree


the post is very interesting, I like to see and read your post @kyusho

Yes but as we can see not many are of the mindset... yet. I believe as time goes on we are in a spiritual awakening and more will arrive.

This analysis has opened up my mind. The discription of "Emotion" is interesting

Emotion is our bodies reconciliation with incoming and outgoing energies.

really...... @kyusho your post is such a good think. and interesting i just like it ........ dear

Diversity of Thought is as important as it is in investment.

thank you for sharing @kyusho friends, success for you continue

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