The 3 Kinds of Bullshiters You Will Meet In Your Life

in #life8 years ago (edited)

We all have come across them. They often seem irresistible as if made from hot creamy chocolate. All 3 fall under the general category of “Charlatanism”, so feel free to interchange their “charismas”. These guys can make you cry and laugh at the same time.

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The Politician

Here is a thought experiment. You ask a friend to describe their plan for this summer. He goes like this “This is a very interesting and important question my friend. No doubt, I will invest my time in something important this summer. This summer is of vital importance and time owes to be invested to it. Before I answer the question though, let us dwelve a little bit into the past and address an even more important question. What do we all owe to do this summer? As a community, as a great nation with a glorious history?!; what do we owe to do for ourselves and our fellow human beings? Personally, this summer I will do something meaningful and I guarantee you I will have a great time! We all owe to have a great time this magnificent summer!”

Even if hope should have abandon our solar system by now, you continue asking: “Yeah, but what will you do?”

“What I will do involves three key points! Firstly, it will be summery. Secondly, it will be enjoyable! Thirdly, I promise it will be viable! For the last few summers I said that I would do something similar and I did it! This summer won’t be any different! Mark my words!”

Politicians talk like this because they have to represent a lot of people. Celebrities, leaders and other popular folk often bullshit their way through to avoid specifics. They need to generalise as much as possible in order to satisfy everyone and avoid projecting any negativity. The truth is that they are full of shit. We all know deep inside they are full of shit but we play along. It is not their fault. They feed on our naive interpretation and acceptance. They became popular because of this fake tactic even if their glary eyes and glued face expressions make Chancelor Palpatine look like a kitten.

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The Oracle

Usually an avid economist. This guy knows the fucking future alright. He uses “because” much like a time traveler would. He makes predictions in every other statement based on his special sources. Interestingly enough, he never really predicts anything, unless it is something along the lines of “This road guarantees the flow of 4-wheel mechanical entities” or “There is an economic crash/growth/stability coming”.

Assuming roads do indeed accommodate cars and economies go through circles, there is nothing really to predict. If this guy knew exactly what was going on he wouldn’t bother talking so much. Most of his predictions fall under the spectrum of “No-shit-Sherlock” or they are so into the future even Highlander would have trouble coming across them if they ever occurred.

Be careful with this guy, especially when he starts talking about money. If he starts voicing sentences like “Look, is not like I am trying to give you advice about X stock/equity/asset etc, but here is what is going to happen”, then avoid like the bubonic plague.

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The Spiritualist

“Our minds are incarnating the universe, reflecting back unconscious intrinsic truths”. See what I did there? Here is another one: “Your heart drives unparalleled potentiality that unlocks quantum belonging”. If you have fallen in the past for any similar sophisms, don’t worry. Shoot yourself. Almost all spiritualists and psycholo-philosophers talk like that. It’s easy. Take 3 mysteriously elegant and mind-heart provocative words like “love”, “compassion” and “belonging” and jumble them up in positive messages like: “In order to construct positive energy we owe to build love on true compassionate communication that enforces belonging”.

Here is a link doing it automatically for you if you ever get bored

The last phrase I mentioned is actually picked up and paraphrased from a certain individual here on Steemit with over a thousand followers. Makes you wonder if we are indeed living in an Idiocracy or if someone has dropped me in on this planet as punishment. All the “negativity” aside, I will actually sit and listen to these guys and relax. They are so much full of it, the mind indeed goes numb; perhaps to protect itslf from burning up— or perhaps it is connecting with the quantum consciousness of reflective serenity...

Don’t avoid this guy. Make him your friend instead. Invite him to parties and perhaps, just perhaps, he will divide by zero and the universe will cease to exist. 


In a corporate environment, the political bullshit is the stuff which makes you a manager. I mean I saw how they messed up just to walk out of the meeting as the hero.


Indeed some times in these environments being a bullshiter is a prerequisite

Fuck yeah.

The other day, some fucker who just met me was trying to pull me by asking what my thoughts on "spirituality and metaphysics" are. Everybody has some kind of spiritual belief but it's fuckin weird to pose around like it's the #1 thing on your mind in life.



They lurk around like evil raccoons.
They don't really care about your thoughts on the subject.
They mostly care how to pass their own views.

thank you for the follow. you will enjoy my posts.

I love that raccoon pic. They are crafty ones. I admire raccoons. Them, coyotes, and mice are great mammalian adaptable survivors.

and yes, you make a wise point. what a shallow life to live not truly enjoying the minds of others. Makes life richer to genuinely give a damn!

(I have to recharge my voting power for a bit, damn)

Love the know, with an altruistic sense of being existentially known to be as one with the universe. lol :p

I don't think I can get over the over a thousand follows callout. That's awesome. There are some folks on here killing it that I just don't see why or how. But good for them, I don't hate. Just keep pumping out quality content and pray for the law of averages.


I actually tried to critisize this guy in the past and he flagged the shit out of me. I guess the best tactic is to ignore, but then again, I need to have some fun.

"or perhaps it is connecting with the quantum consciousness of reflective serenity..."

Any hybridization of these bullshiters, and you get the Promisers; the people who tell you to be involved in this or that project, and you will make this many monies! So generous, they offer you 50% of the proceeds for your involvement.

All you need to do is all of the f*ing work.


Exactly, these three categories when mixed up they end breeding some really dangerous hybrids...

Man, your content is amazing, my hat is off for you,
you are the best writer of non fiction in Steemit,
by far.

Yes, Palpatine was a politician. A Senator before slaughtering his way to Emperor. I wonder how he would fare against Donald and Hilary? Up 10 points :)


He wouldn't stand a chance against any of them

Pretty hot pic if I do say so myself :)

I was trying to find a similar one for Trump @vegascomic but no luck ! It seems that he doesn't even need photoshop

This post made me laugh a lot. We have all experienced this.

"This is a very interesting and important question my friend..."

Haha that is my trick when I don't want to answer a question. At least I learned something from those sociopaths.

"Our minds are incarnating the universe, reflecting back unconscious intrinsic truths"

I don't think this kind of word salad makes sense to anyone. It is just a way for guys to pick up "spiritual" ladies and get some action.


I don't think this kind of word salad makes sense to anyone. It is just a way for guys to pick up "spiritual" ladies and get some action.

You will be amazed by the sheer amount of people using this kind of language on a daily basis. Makes me wanna fork my ears sometimes.

I wrote a post today as well about Religion and Spritualism in which I declared myself a "XXXXXXX".....nope gonna have to read it here for the answer!

PS - @kyriacos feel free to post a link on my article to yours.....oh and nice job on this one!

I gave you an answer @venuspcs .

ah ah good post

thank you @djm. don't forget; following is caring

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