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RE: Positive Thinking is Overrated

in #life8 years ago (edited)

And realised that you really haven't understood anything that I've written, ever.

There is not much really to understand from what you write. Your rhyme of thought is pretty elementary. Oh, you think you were the original bullshitator of 101 "yey think positive"? You took these a-la-cart ideas from somebody else like I explain in the article.

You'll find that I talk a lot about the defining moments in my life, and not many people have them, or even realise that an opportunity has been presented to them. When you aren't in the present mind-frame to 'seize the moment' as in make the best of every situation that's presented to you, then it's just not going to work. No matter how many books you read, or how many how to guides that you try. That is why I cherish the audience I have.

The audience you have is because you were shillied from a whale from day one. If you were anyone else (other than probably a whale's girlfriend) you would be lost in oblivion. Also, If everything depends on luck, that special moment, then everything else you say about positive thinking cannot apply. You contradict yourself openly. It's called intellectual dishonesty.

//You also somehow relate my work to someone that's writing a self-proclaimed how-to guide? I don't understand that - when all I've written thus far are stories relating to my life. In no part have I said - do this and you will feel better. Like you say, life is random, and so is health - it's proven that what works for one person isn't going to work for the next. That's why there's so many different alternatives out there.//

Not everything revolves around you. I didn't write this article especially for you but also for the countless mindfucked individuals outhere (inside and outside of Steemit) that promote this crap. And again, you haven't discovered any special philosophy. Positive thinking is a level higher from Parin Hilton/Kim Kardashian spoiled brat thinking.

//And starving kids in Africa? Yeah dude, that would work if my audience was starving kids in Africa, but clearly it's not. My work is aimed at western society, and yeah, you may say that's bad, but I don't write about anything I've not experienced personally before - i.e. starvation as a kid in Africa.//

Even If it is aimed at western society most people suffer greatly. Obviously you live such comfortable life you don't even realise that. Also Steemit is not even "western society" centered but rather a world wide open platform. I can picture you right now sitting on your mid-high comfy appartment with all the luxuries needed preaching behind a whale shilled account about how "positivity works". what a fucking joke... oh please be a trophy bitcoin girlfriend; that would be top.

//all that energy you put into 'proving my work as shitposting' - what would happen if say you decided to ignore my bullshit and get on with your day?//

I obviously didn't write this for you. I wrote it as future reference for many people. I am allergic to bullshit—especially when it coms from dubious characters like yourself that are openly full of shit, manipulating people into crap thinking. I write many articles, I design, I paint and even do some electrical engineering projects. Don't worry. After this one all i will do is copy paste the link, not having to explain myself over and over again,

//That as you will, continue to hate me, I will continue to sleep well and get on with my day :)//

I don't hate you. I pitty you. Not sure though you will "sleep well" because positive thinking advocates like yourself are usually too miserable. Also people like you are often never confronted because they are so politically correct. Glad I popped your cherry on this one. Welcome to reality.


//Positive thinking is a level higher from Parin Hilton/Kim Kardashian spoiled brat thinking.//

//Obviously you live such comfortable life you don't even realise that//

These two exact quotes here is why I'll never ever count you as an authority in your field - those that learned through experience learned to never judge a book by its cover - you on the other hand seem to know me inside out. Awesomely negating your own reality there my friend. Does everyone else agree with you in the land of @kryiacos thinking?

Notice the difference between us? You tell us 'what it's like' and assume on every level. You dictate, you use your words to tell others how to think, the reality of your mind IS the truth. Whereas I offer an alternative, take it or leave it.

Never assume my dear friend, it will be the undoing of you!

And it's not PC in my world of thinking (assume much?) - it's choosing my time accordingly - do I NEED to answer this? What will it benefit me? Do I have time for it?

Same - I'm really glad you've given up on me. Perhaps you'll put your time to good use! :)

I never claimed authority in my field. Yet again another logical fallacy froma naive mind. Appeal to authority is on of the biggest mistakes one can do.

You dictate, you use your words to tell others how to think, the reality of your mind IS the truth. Whereas I offer an alternative, take it or leave it.

Bullshit. I never dictate. I demonstrate with evidence. science...something rather alien to your crap.

Never assume my dear friend, it will be the undoing of you!

Positive thinking is mother of all fuck up assumptions. Take a mirror.

And it's not PC in my world of thinking (assume much?) - it's choosing my time accordingly - do I NEED to answer this? What will it benefit me? Do I have time for it?

Your world of thinking is the traditional americanised couch philosophizing. You know I am right. I don't even need confirmation. The wording, the attitude, the claims are so a-la-cart I can even guess the websites you are lurking to get all these information.

Same - I'm really glad you've given up on me. Perhaps you'll put your time to good use! :)

Oh I haven't. I am waiting for your next bullshit post :) entertain me

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