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in #life8 years ago

Cast Out the Demons!

I am not a "believer" as such, but I know there is a Satan at work in the world, and most of us are in its grasp. Satan, according to religious doctrine, is the source of temptation and of enslavement. From James 1:14–15, "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away hof his own lust, and ienticed. 15 Then kwhen lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." Death and enslavement being one in the same thing, in my view.

Image Credit: Riches and Glory

The greatest instrument of temptation and enslavement in our world today, are those nasty plastic cards we carry around in our wallets - the credit card. Everyone knows that they are screwing themselves every time they use these things. Everyone believes, at first, that these things are a means of increased freedom - this is the devil's trickery at work - we are in denial of the fact that it leads to limited choice, limited freedom, the more you make use of them.

Image Credit: Thrive Quest

Owned by the Banks .. FOREVER!

Data Credit: Nerd Wallet

Between your mortgages, student loans, and credit cards, you are beholden to the banks, the most profitable private organizations that exist in the world, we will never be free of them - and this is by-design. When you hear people having to make a choice between food and "paying the bills", we should be enraged. Some might say, well, if you just use them "responsibly", then you'll not have a problem ... keep it for "emergencies only" - I quickly ask them a counter-question - how many people do you know who have been able to do that?

You might think, well .. 'most people' must use them responsibly or these credit products would not exist, right? Wrong .. the reason you are quickly surrounded by little girls with clipboards, wanting to sign you up for a card, at department stores, gas stations, even waiting on-line at the bank .. they want you to use the maximum amount they are offering, and pay the interest .. forever! This looks very good on their bottom-line. They can easily absorb the surprisingly small number of people who walk away from the debt, because of the huge profits they are making on the interest from everyone else .. which they will be paying, in many cases, until the day they die!

The Instrument of Your Escape!

Just Do It ..

Choose to pay the debt as quickly as possible, or not, but do not retain active credit cards, from large banks - do not continue to behave as they wish you to! This is how each of us can begin our participation in the decentralized revolution .. remove the shackles of the old world, as soon, as quickly and completely as possible!


  • Credit Card Branded Debit Cards are a far superior option - if you need to purchase things online, etc. It is difficult to operate in the world without this ability. No need to have one that is issued by one of the largest, most tyrannical of banking institutions.

  • If you do not have the means to purchase some substantial item - do without! It is a far better option than digging yourself a hole from which you will never get out.

Check out products such as .. Advanced Cash and use crypto-currencies such as STEEM and BITCOIN as much as possible. Advanced Cash allows you to deposit with BITCOIN and transact as if it were a VISA.


Saw your post on one of Steem Facebook groups and thought I like this. I was a bit frivolous with a store card about 20 years and have just been awarded with a substantial PPI payment that has debt and Christmas sorted. I haven't used a credit card for 15 years so in that case swings and roundabouts!

Hello, and thank you for the reply! Seems you learned very quickly of this evil, and have been able to avoid bondage! Congrats .. spread the gospel!


Owned by the Banks .. FOREVER!

That's what "mortgage" means!
Mortgage - a french word meaning death note. Or, you owe until you die.

If money is evil, does that mean steemit is evil?

No no, not money, credit .. obviously. ;-)

Thanks for the comment.

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