Bimo dan surat / Bimo and Letter

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Pagi ini hujan turun rintik- rintik, dengan wajah sedih,dan malas Bimo berangkat sekolah.

Berangkat dulu pak! Ujar Bimo.
Pakai jas hujan Bim, "sahut Bapaknya.

Ribet pak, "kata Bimo dan segera mengambil sepeda kesayangannya, Bimo mengayuh cepat, menerobos air hujan yang semakin deras,menuju sekolah.

Sampai di sekolah sudah banyak murid yang datang, sebagian memakai jas hujan, payung dan hanya beberapa anak yang tidak memakai pelindung hujan, termasuk Bimo.

Jam 7.15 menit pelajaran bahasa Indonesia di mulai.

Bu guru: Hari ini kita akan membahas tentang bahasa komunikasi, yaitu SURAT-MENYURAT.
Bu guru mulai menerangkan sejarah,tujuan dan manfaat surat- menyurat kepada murid.
Setelah hampir 1 jam bu guru menerangkan, dan di akhir penjelasannya.

Bu guru: Anak- anak, apabila tidak masuk sekolah, harus minta ijin dengan surat ya?
Murid: iya bu guru.

Jam 13.30 WIB sekolah selesai, namun hujan belom juga reda,hati Bimo mulai gelisah dan kuatir.
Kalo sampai sore,hujan juga belom reda,burung merpatiku bisa mati nih? " guman Bimo.
Setelah menunggu hampir 30 menit,hujan juga belom reda,akhirnya Bimo nekad pulang ke rumah,mengayuh cepat sepedanya.

Pagi ini Bimo tidak masuk sekolah karena sakit flu, badannya panas dan kepalanya pusing.
Pak Manto: Kenapa badanmu Bim?
Bimo: Tidak enak pak, kepala pusing,hari ini saya tidak masuk sekolah ya pak?
Buat surat ijin buat bu guru ya pak?


Pak Manto: Ya,nanti Bapak buat dan sampaikan ke bu guru.

3 hari kemudian, Bimo masih tidak masuk sekolah.
Akhirnya dari pihak sekolah datang ke rumah Bimo, bu guru perwakilan dari sekolah, dan beberapa anak murid untuk, mereka bermaksud menjenguk Bimo.
Namun betapa kagetnya Bu guru dan anak murid sesampai di rumah Bimo.


Lho,itu Bimo kok sehat dan main burung merpati bu? Tanya anak murid.

Bu guru: Bim, kamu sehat kok tidak masuk sekolah?

Bimo: saya menunggu balasan surat dari bu guru!

Bu guru: ????



This morning it rained heavily, with a sad face, and lazy Bimo went to school.
Leave first pack! Said Ben.

Put on Bim's raincoat, "his father said. Ribet pack, "Bimo said and immediately took his favorite bike, Bimo pedaling fast, through the increasingly heavy rain, toward school.

Arriving at the school there are many students who come, some wearing raincoats, umbrellas and only a few children who do not wear rain protectors, including Ben. 7.15 minutes Indonesian language lesson at start.

Bu teacher: Today we will discuss about the language of communication, that is LETTER-LETTER.

The teacher begins to explain the history, purpose and benefits of the correspondence to the students.

After almost 1 hour the teacher explained, and at the end of his explanation.

Bu teacher: Children, if not attending school, have to ask permission with the letter huh?

Student: yes teacher.

At 13:30 hrs, the school was finished, but the rain was still calm, Bimo's heart began to fidget and worry. If it's raining late tomorrow, my pigeons can die ? "guman Bimo.

After waiting for almost 30 minutes, the rain also belom reda, finally Bimo desperate home, pedaling fast bike.

This morning Bimo did not enter sekilah because of the flu, his body hot and head dizzy.

Pak Manto: Why is your body Bim?

Bimo: Not good sir, headache, I'm not going to school today sir, sir? Make a permit for bu master ya sir?

Mr. Manto: Yes, you will then make and convey to the teacher.

3 days later, Ben still did not attend school.
from the school came to the house Bimo, bu teacher and representatives from the school and some students to visit Ben Bimo.
But how shocked Mrs. teacher and students up at home Bimo.
Why, it's really healthy and playing pigeons bu? Ask the students.
Bu teacher: Bim, you're healthy do not go to school?
Bimo: I'm waiting for a reply from a teacher!
Female teacher: ????



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