Discovery Of GOD - Part - 1 [read once]

in #life7 years ago


“There is One God-the Eternal Truth, True is His Name, All-pervading Divine Spirit, The Creator, the Supreme Being (Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent), Without fear, without Enmity, Immortal Reality, Unborn, Self-Existent, Realized through the Grace of the Guru.”(Adi Granth-1)

God created the Universe – the earth, the sky, the water, the sun, the moon and the stars, flora and fauna and millions of species on earth, under water and in air. Finally God also created man in His own image. So, the man has been considered as crown of the Creation. The animals, the mammals, the insects, the birds and all other creatures are of lower nature. Only a human being has been bestowed with the consciousness, the wit and wisdom, and the mind with which to discern the Truth from the Untruth, and choose between the good and the evil, the light and the darkness. Hence there is a in-depth close relationship between God and man.
With a blurred vision and eyes of the mind closed due to the ignorance about his real self and the Ultimate Reality – God, the man of the world stuck up in the muddy materialism looks for peace, comfort and happiness through material objects, but fails to attain the same.
The saints and sages have unanimously made it clear that God is the ocean of peace and divinity. There cannot be any peace without God, and no God – realization is possible without the grace of the True Master.
Unfortunately, the Man forgets God, the Creator, and caught up in the glamour of materialism, and detracted from the main aim of human life, keeps on working day and night beautifying the body, amassing wealth by fair and foul means to an unlimited extent, performing domestic, social, political and multifarious duties and consumes his entire life in the pursuit of worldly objects, losing the game of life for the sake of materialistic gains.
Even if a saint talks about God and wishes to convey the message of the Truth, the world ling ignores the clarion call, the voice of Truth and says that he has no time for this. The great Gurus and the prophets put the Man wise by telling him not to remain engrossed in the worldly affairs and try to achieve the higher goal of life i.e. God realization, for which he got this precious human life.
The religious and spiritual aspect of life is most vital and of utmost importance, which is neglected by man. Some noble people opt for search of the omnipresent God; they go to the temple/mosque or the church, listen the discourse, offer prayers, do meditation and perform rituals and various other acts of austerity and penance, which never lead to the Divine Destination.
It is the natural instinct of Man to know, to find, to search and to discover about every person, object and environment around him. Most part of the world has been explored and the scientists have made several discoveries and inventions for peace and comfort of man. However, they have not discovered or invented any drug to wipe out the malice, hatred and pollution of mind. The Yogis, and the self-styled Sadhus perform and prescribe rites and rituals, including reading and recitation of the Scriptures, spiritual exercises and gymnasts but all this short of the Divine Knowledge cannot lead to Divine Destination and merger of soul with God.
The visible world is known to everybody in some measure, but the Ultimate Reality, the Eternal Truth, the invisible formless Spirit of All –pervading God cannot be visualized and known to anybody without the kind grace of the perfect True Master. The saints tell the people of the world that there is no need to go to the forest in search of the Omnipresent God. God is with you, all around you, self-existent, present everywhere, in all directions and all at places even beyond everywhere, in all directions and all at places even beyond the earth and the skies. The great Gurus and prophets discovered the Ultimate Reality God, the abode of soul, the invisible formless on by through the grace of their respective perfect Gurus. After having seen and perceived God in His true glory, they took up the sacred task of revealing this Truth to the seekers all over the world.
“Allah is near, very near, nearest you, nearer than the Jugular Vein.”“Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal.Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and in the earth.” (Holy Koran Surah II 255)
As Jesus rightly said: The kingdom of God is at hand, and so it has beenstated in other Scriptures that the face of Allah, God and Ram, the Omnipresent, can be unveiled to the sincere seekers by the perfect True Master. There is no need to search God or engage in the discovery of the Omnipresent God. The true entity of God, the formless Spirit, pervading everywhere can be easily discovered, realized, perceived and seen with the eyes of the mind through the grace of the True Master. Only he can reveal the eternal God in no time to every sincere seeker at mere asking. This is exactly what Baba is doing in the present era. He is imparting the Divine Knowledge and revealing the Truth to every human being at mere asking, regardless of one’s caste, creed, color, diet, dress and culture, the country and the Continent, to which one belongs.
In all ages, as also in present era of science and technology, the need for Divine knowledge has always been reiterated by the great Gurus and the Saints, whose aim has always been to dispel the darkness of ignorance, to illuminate the minds of the millions, to dispense divine knowledge (Brahm – Gyan) and thereby to grant peace, bliss and salvation to every human being living in any part of the globe.

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