Tattoo taboo travels

in #life6 years ago

Image Source: Pixabay

illegal tattoo

Never considered that parts of the world find an art form shameful. To the point of making it illegal. Countries and cultures vary and the more one travels into those cultures the easier it becomes to accept these differences, right?

Recently I watched a YouTuber travel to Korea where tattoos are illegal. There is a loophole to this law. One could make tattoos if they go to medical school and earn their doctors license.

Pay for medical school to pay for art?

To their credit, if a person has any reaction to the ink they would be best equipped to handle it. To their discredit, it makes no sense to spend so much time and money pursuing a medical career to not use it. Underground artists are called "criminals”. They face rejection from family and friends. Ostracized by society, often times denied entrance to spas, restaurants, and some could even lose their jobs.

How far would you go?

Maybe family rejection isn’t enough, maybe being outcasted by society isn’t enough, and maybe even being unemployed isn’t enough to keep you from doing something you feel is right, but what would? If you are like me and don’t care for tattoos it’s an easy matter to overlook. I do wonder, however, how many other countries push their agendas and power to control the free will I have?

My faith, for example, is acceptable in the US, but in some parts of the world, it’s illegal. My clothing or the lack thereof is also acceptable in the US, but in some parts of the world, it’s punishable by death. Showing my faith or face might be my normal today, but depending on where I travel it might not. To some extent I expected these cultural differences to be true. To some extent I expected to be challenged and more aware of the differences in the world and the level of acceptance.

I didn’t expect a tattoo artist to travel to a country I’ve come to love to plant a seed of curiosity. What wild differences will I find in Europe? What places will surprise me the most? Will it be more challenging to mesh with another culture? I guess we shall see...

Love always,


Governments should not be able to tell people what they can and can't do with their bodies. Period.

💥 I agree, how does a law to outlaw tattoos even make it through?

So if someone wants too shoot up heroine on the street, we need to respect their personal decision?

What people do with or to their own bodies should not be the government's business.

Damn straight! 😤

I hate Tattoos. I think it's a product of the cultural decline in the western world. There is no reason to put permanent graffiti on your body. If you want to do something fashionable, buy nice clothing.

Couldn’t the same be said for make up? Tattoos isn’t a decline in the western world, but a personal preference like make up and body piercing. Even so, do you think tattoos should be illegal?

What good do tattoos bring society? It's just allowing people to paint over God's image to show off. If God wanted you to have a tattoo, he would of gave you a birthmark. It doesn't help people get job. Many employers turn down applicants that have large visible tattoos. Waiters and waitresses are often told to cover them.

Makeup last for a few hours, and then is washed off. Makeup matches the skin, and it isn't used to cover the body with graffiti. Sorry for the strong opinion. I just don't think they contribute anything to society. Too many people that get tattoos, regret them later in life. If you want to be creative and original wear jewelry, or wear something nice.

I disagree and appreciate you sharing your viewpoint. I’m shocked that other countries would outlaw it regardless of the fact that I don’t think people should have tattoos.

Interesting read mate.
The most important part is that no matter what country you are in, you respect their culture and customs.

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RE-reading that, I fully sound like a spam commenter. Sorry 😳

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Hahahah, you really do sound like a spammer especially since your posting using another site. Thankfully I know you and will let it slide. Do you have any tattoos? Do you think it should be outlawed?

I think they should ban more things,
life would get more exiting and interesting that way!

Image source

Those girls are cute. I'd have no desire to ban them ;)

We were just talking about that movie!

hehe, thats from the HBO series, but there is also like an early 90thies movie, from the book... A Handmaids Tail... Lots of rules and oppression...

No I don’t have any tattoos but I’m not against them at all. They should not be outlawed, many things should be legal but with the caveat that you accept the consequences and not expect the government to fix it for you. If you wanna smoke? That’s fine but the government isn’t going to pay for your cancer treatment etc

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What’s up Kubby!

Well I’m tattooed quite heavily...

Some places down here made you cover up, but not anymore!

I made a tattoo bet with you but can’t recall what it was! 😜


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