Sunday thoughts on a saturday: A command for compassion

in #life7 years ago

Everything that changes goes through challenges and pressure. If it sounds like pressure or it challenges you then your stepping into a season of growth.

The Story

This Story is Found in Mark. Chapter 6. 34

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.The story of feeding a multitude is shared. 41 Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves, 42 They all ate and were satisfied,

So, whats the point?

The point was he had compassion because they were like sheep without a shepherd. It may sound like a lack of leadership, but it is more a lack of taking responsibility for lives of others. Older nation yet younger spiritually, do you agree? Arguable, the newer generation fears responsibility. The long road ahead can seem lonely, but when God send you out he will go with you.

Well, what about me?

Your concern has to change and shift to have compassion.

Seems easy enough, until you start to feel a little less than capable. Do you push away or push through? The speaker said most wanted to push away because people believe they don't have enough to give. What about those that need too much too often? Do you know those needy people that need consistent prayer? Arguable, if your filled with compassion you will continue to pray for their need. You will not relent until the need is filled, until the promised is fulfilled, until the chain is broken.

You are enough..

You have enough to give, you have just enough. Your story is enough to reach someone. It begins with breaking off a small piece.

Understand the goal...

Breaking them up into small groups into small pieces. Tackling it one small hurtle at a time. Shouldn't be too hard then, right? I already mentioned God is walking with you. Looking big picture might seem like mission impossible, but one small group at a time is a reachable goal. This requires you to be responsible for someone.

What else is needed from me?

Command for compassion equals a few things. Equals finding people, equals spending time with them and equals solving the problem. Greater feeding comes from feeding others. You should use whatever gift you have received to serve others in its various forms.

Final thoughts, you have so you can give and someone will have...

Let him who stole no longer steal. Let him who labors so that he has something to give.... So, we are encourage to work and with our earnings give not to see a return, but have something to give. We receive so we have something to bless others with instead of fulfilling our own needs. Know who your provider is and do not fear losing things. This fear means you don't understand who your provider is..


Beautiful words, from a beautiful soul. <3

I've said it before and I will say it again. I missed you sister. Welcome back!

Thanks, sister! <3 It's great to be back!!

I think the thing that resonates with me the most is "You are enough"
When we get to the point of really being comfortable in our own skin, then we are secure enough to reach out and help others because of those life experiences.

You got it, that's exactly it! Thanks for stopping by always a pleasure to read your comments :)

I love this quote I read on the back of a water bottle in Croatia........
'Happiness only comes when we finally accept we are good enough'
You should be very happy Kubby. You're definately good enough.

We are all good enough, but why is it so hard for us to accept that truth? What lies are whispered between our ears that keep us from listening? I don't always know, but I'm grateful for friends like you that are constant positive reminders :)

Well done Kubenater.

Wow, what an honor to have you stop by :)

Why yes, yes it is! :D :P :*

.....That moment has come and gone, stop gloating!

Instructions unclear: System Error Result Code #BlameShane

:D I should have seen this coming...

Excellent words of wisdom, dear. Thank you for sharing your light.

Glad you got a little light from it :)

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