Spring cleaning

in #life6 years ago

Spring cleaning, have you started to downsize?

The hanger analogy comes to mind. This method is when you place all your clothing on a hanger and face it one way. By the end of the year, any clothes still facing the other way are clothes you haven’t worn in a year and can probably do without. Have you heard of this?

When I was unemployed, I started cleaning out some stuff. I donated a ton of books and kept a few under one condition. I told myself if I didn’t read these books, by the end of the year I would donate the rest of the year. Four months in and not a single one read. I started thinking, should I wait or slowly start throwing/donating them now?

I started to think about my friends that moved. Not just to another city, or another state, but an entirely new continent. One started giving away and downsizing months prior, the other appeared to wait for the very end to start cleaning out. Either way, moving is an excellent way to clean your stuff and downsize. Like choo and global moving to Panama. Globo had eight suitcases with EVERYTHING!

When we used to travel to Brazil for the summer we would each take two suitcases. That was ten suitcase for three months. He had eight with everything he owned. That impressive! I’ll be moving soon. I need to start cleaning house now. However, I really like my books.

What would you do? If you were moving and could only take enough to fill a few suitcases, what would be the hardest item to part with? Help me, friends!


wait what where moving to....? :D

maybe, nothing for sure yet! I'll keep you updated :)

I have never heard of the hanger thing WOAH #mindblown. I live in a somewhat organized chaos, but it is entertaining info nonetheless! <3

Whenever I clean, I make it a point to throw some things away. Sharing a studio with two other people essentially prevents me from becoming a hoarder! :D Donating clothes and books are awesome, just because you don't use something doesn't mean it has to go to waste!~

So glad you learned something new today! Let me know if you decided to use it. Having a studio is a great way to prevent from hoarding, lol. However, the discipline to keep it clean and not overstocked is a true talent!

I read this as I'm heading to the store for cleaning supplies. I love learning new stuff from you Kubbs, never change ♡

The hardest things for me to get rid of would be my Teddy bear that my gma gave to me when I was 6 months old and my books.

I had one orange duck that my family member gave me that I really loved too. I did eventually give it away, but it's hard when you don't want too.

I’m going to move in a few months and I estimate that I’ll be donating and selling most of the stuff I have in my apartment. Gonna travel light! :D

The best way to travel in my opinion. Are you still excited about this movie?

The movie that’s my life, where I’m the only star? ;D Absolutely, more excited than ever! :))

I didn’t make it into the Lund University MBA, so now I’m waiting for the selection results from another MBA in International Financial Analysis from the Jönköping University. If I don’t make the cut there either, than I’m moving to Portugal already this summer. Meanwhile, I’m applying for jobs within the Blockchain tech space and brushing up on my coding skills, learning how to program smart contracts on Etherium, NEM and EOS.

How are you liking your new job, by the way?

WOW, that is amazing! I am trusting the Lord to provide because I don't love my new job, but I might one day. You have so many exciting opportunities coming up. Please let me know, which direction you choose.

It's the hardest thing in the world cleaning, I wish you luck because I also hate to clean :( I do not know what advice to give you

I don't like to clean either, but I love to have my stuff cleaned!

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How can I help you?

how can i get more success in a shprt time in this ptafrom??

You do an okay job commenting on people's post. I think if you focus on finding people that you really enjoy their post will be helpful

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