Like Christmas morning...

in #life7 years ago

There are few moments in life where it feels especially special.

You know those moments because you celebrate them with people. The usual are Birthdays, holidays, and today I am asking you to celebrate with me on this exciting perfect Piece!


The picture above is from a few years ago. Going away to college and never able to fly home for my birthday was tough. Birthdays are a HUGE deal in my house hold. We celebrate in style. Mom made sure that for my BIG 21 I received one of my favorites. Which is jewelry. I love it and I'll share more on how my love for jewelry started and my collection. Any way, after house sitting for a few weeks I have am reunited with the crew.

The Surprise

Mom is pretty awesome about giving coming home gifts. I had come over the other day and she refused to let me in my room because she said there was a surprise in there for me. I have been hunting for a new piece of furniture to complete the remodel and couldn't find it anywhere.

My mom's boss had it in her daughters room and my heart loved it at first sight. I was struggle to find it and you guess it.

It wasn't the chair I was needing for my desk
It wasn't the new sheets for bed
Last chance

The Vanity

That's my dad in the window laughing at my reaction. This beauty is finally in my house and I am officially almost finished remodeling. I still need chairs.

Do a happy dance with me and let me know in the comments below about your favorite surprise/gift/moment or whatever!



Oh my gosh, that's a gorgeous vanity and how sweet they are to give it to you! Very nice article and we'll written!

Thank you so much my friend :) I'm so excited to use it :) definitely going to remove that tv out of there, temporary placed

I remember my aunt had one similar. ❤

Where is it now, do you have pictures?

It's long gone 😞 only in my head 🌹

In your head to your fingers onto a post :) it's a start at least :)

Hi girl :)
I love this vanity, I wish I could find one! My mom had one growing up and she gave it to me when I was a teen... I painted it and basically ruined it which didn't suit her so well... :P
How sweet of your parents to go out of their way to surprise you :)
I love it! Enjoy it and hope you're smiling! =D

You had one too?! Do you have pictures, I would love to see it?! At least you made it your own and enjoyed it fully. This vanity is very expensive and exactly what I wanted I won't be doing much of anything, expect maybe undusting it from time to time :)

I doubt I do, it was when I was younger and my mom sold it when I moved out. SO awesome that you've found the perfect piece, enjoy it and smile in the mirror :)

Smile in the mirror, I see what you did there!


I couldn't agree more!

Happy dance

Yes!!! I've been waiting and hoping for someone to dance with me. Dance party

There are some grammar mistakes in your post

Let's here it! List them out for me please

I don't know much about home decor but that is an awesome looking vanity. Really cool. The only thing that freaks me out is.... who is the guy looking in the window? Creeper?

Your question hurts my feelings only because it makes me question if you even read the post?! Have you been lying to me this whole time?!!!

That's my dad in the window laughing at my reaction

HAHAHHA, I read it, but I think when I was reading that line I got distracted cause I saw the guy, I don't know how I missed that. lol, I am so sorry. I have not been lying... at all. I can't believe I missed it. I 'm sorry, I really am. It took down the gif. I honestly thought the person in the window was a brother, he looks young. lol, I'm sorry.

Noooooooooooo, don't take off the gif I thought it was 😂:) glad to know you haven't been lying :)

That's a beautiful piece! I inherited my grandparents bedroom set, including my grandmother's vanity. She died he year I was born, so I never really knew her but I feel connected to her having it. I refinished the whole set as it was rather old and worn looking and hope to be able to pass it on to my daughter. They can become a family heirloom!

That is beautiful and I hope the story carry far beyond the life of the vanity.

I hope the same for you!

Growing up we had a big family and money was always tight. I remember one Christmas all of us kids got a Super Nintendo to share. Mind you, this is when they were very first out and I remember being astonished because it actually happened.

Some holidays just shock us and never leave our memories :) thanks for sharing reminds me of my favorite Christina's in Boston, we all received gifts, but it was the unity of us being together that made it special

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