I lost my job and caught the flu, how's your week going?

in #life6 years ago

An unexpected week leading to an unexpected week.

The questions keep rolling in and the answers are the same. No, not okay. That has to be okay. At least not okay for now. A random ramble about a not so random feeling.

You seem different, are you okay?

It's the smile, it's the sunrise, and it's just not today. When the smile fades and the sun rises, it's the reality of that day. It's just another day.

You seem off today, are you okay?

It was an unkind phrase. Stupid relationship tricks. It was the loss of security. The dream timeframe changed. You see, it's no big deal. It was the beginning of the day. To be honest, it's the conversation I would rather not have today.

You seem different, are you okay?

Spoken words that broke the hope of change. The end of a consistent flow of income. The riddle that rattles claims of hopelessness. Again, one cares not to explain.

You seem off today, are you okay?

Nope. No. Not today. That’s why coming next is not an explanation, but the wave of disappointment hovering. One could vent to you, another could explain to you, but one would rather not. Can we not and say we did?

This too shall pass, literally it ends that day. I'll be okay, let it not be okay for today.



Tough break. I hope that a little upvote can help

Every little bit helps, thanks for stopping by. HEre is a random 100% upvote just because.

They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Well apparently, no one has ever been standing next to you.

Love you hun...it will get better. I promise he has plans for you and they will be great!

Thanks mira! <3

You will be fine lovely lady. You seem like the type of person who radiates positivity and humbleness. Everything will work out. Stay positive 💛

Thank you sweety, that is awful kind of you.

Oh no! That's a terrible thing :(

You already know that everything happens for a reason, and you'll end up better off when this settles out...but yea, when important things in your life change, it sucks. Stay strong!

I hope so, I hear your wife is a prayer. Pray with her for me. A man of God can move mountains and I can use all the prayer I can get.

Oh Kubby! I am so sorry to hear that.

God has better things lined up for you; of that I am sure.

It is well!

Thank you for the kind words.

Aww sorry to learn about that Kubby. In the end you'll be okay and you'll look back at this and see that they lost you and not the other way around. :P

Take care Kubby!

You know what my friend, i think your right! I forget that you read my post and every time I get a comment it brightens my day a little. Thanks for stopping by!

My heart hurts for you @kubbyelizabeth. About 1 year ago, my family made a decision to not return to our life and home overseas.

I lost my job, my friends, and my identity at the same time. But there is light! I have been loved on by friends, family, and my fellow Steemians.

I hope the same for you!

Change can be so tough at the start especially when you don't choose it. Even when with change does occur once it become the new normal it does feel better.

My prayer for you is that this change becomes your new normal quickly.

Do you have any leads on what is next? Are you going to start Steeming full time?

Not steeming fulltime, and my leads aren’t ideal but they’re there. We shall what comes out of it. First we must heal from the flu. The rest will figure itself out

Remember after every downhill, there is a climb. Its just like cryptos, plunge and go up again.
Buy the dip in your life, it will lead you much better gains and you will just get stronger.
And loved this poetry, see my response just got poetic because of your writing style lol
Oh and you've got one of the best jobs in the world, being a steemian ;)

You always put a smile on my face :) I wasn't expecting to climb, but here we go climbing! I never wanted steemit to be a job because then it wouldn't be fun. I like to keep work and hobby separate. Who knows, maybe it will be a working hobby :)

Sending positive energy your way @kubbyelizabeth . Just remember -
everything happens for a reason. The loss and pain is real, but it eventually goes away. Whole new vistas open up and you will see life in a new way. What matters more than anything else is getting back up and continuing on. Every day is easier than the first. Don't let anyone hold you down - you deserve better!

Wow, i don't know who you are, but that is really kind of you to say. <3

You will be fine sis. i am sorry for you losing your job and having flu. This is not right. The Lord is your strength. Sometime, something that we cherish will have to go for better opportunity to set in. This is just the beginning of good things to come.
Cheer up sis and be of good courage.
I share your feelings.

Amen sister, the lord knows all!

Yes! He does knows all things and he will make things right for you sis. Stay strong in the Lord.

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