BirthdayMonth: Week two, let's take about the cake?

in #life6 years ago

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I don't share my birthday cake.

Other people cut their own cake and give it to others. I can only assume they don't particularly love the cake.

I have had to learn to buy to cakes, one for me and one for those guest. Before that, I would cut a large/massive piece for myself and really tiny pieces for others. More so, I am trying to convince them not to eat the cake.

This year, everyone gets cake.

I want people at work to have some, people in the bible study group to sing to me, and the gym folks need cake too. People at work I am thinking cookies, which is like cake.

My birthday falls on a Wednesday which is awesome because then everyone at bible study can sing. I am thinking ice cream cake for them. Then some various of the two for the gym folk.

Now with the family, I get a cake all to my beautiful self. Normally, I go to my favorite grocery store and order my favorite. This year I am thinking of changing it up.

Cake of my own...

I am thinking this needs to be a combination of cookie, cake, and ice cream. Do they make cakes like that? I am sure they do.

I haven't found one that I particularly enjoy or want just yet, but once I do, it will go down in the picture history. Now you could help me. Where do you like to buy cakes from?

Are you a noncake eater, what do you do instead of cake?

Thanks for reading, upvoting, and commenting!

Love always,


I love your birthday cake policy. I remember it from last year.

Are you experimenting with vegan cakes this year? I know Wholefoods has them. You can probably google vegan bakers in your area too. Or make you if your that way inclined.

Aww, you remember my cake obsession from last year. Hopefully it becomes a trend. I've been contemplating vegan cake and have to try a few more before I commit to one on the BIG day. I found a few vegan bakeries to check out for that very reason; how did you know?

Lol I hate sharing Cake too...especially if it's Chocolate Cake.

Happy countdown to B-day Kubs...getting ever closer

Yummy, chocolate cake is the best! You should have brazilian chocolate cake, it's sweeter, its creamer, and it's chocolate galore!

I like birthday cake and I also like sharing XD

I don't usually get birthday cake as I never remember when my birthday is (I know when it is but I don't usually connect when it comes round), I do birthday cakes for everyone else though and they're usually unnecessarily large so not only can everyone have a big chunk, we cut sections off and make people take it home with them so we then only have to finish a managable amount over the next few days.

Your combo cake sounds like you may need to hit up a specialty cake place or friend. And it's a once a year deal so why not ;D

Lol. Forgetting your birthday. Mine's 23rd December so not much chance of me forgetting that.

I now have it saved forever!

You have learn the secret of cake making. LARGE AND LARGER, why hasn't anyone else caught on to this?

It's not a secret XD My aunty has a cake making business and my mum used to make all our birthday cakes growing up (I'm an awful parent and don't make cakes, I just buy them or get someone else to make them for my family) and they were always big enough for everyone to have multiple slices (though the rule there was that everyone that wanted one had to have had one slice before anyone was allowed subsequent ones).

I just love your honesty girl. Hope your cake will be the best yet!!

hahaha, thanks hope! Next birthday have a whole cake for yourself!

An entire cake for the birthday person. I really love this idea! They do seem to make them so small these days.

I've not had ice cream cake since I was a kid!!!!!

Cheers to week 2!

Ice cream cake is the only type I am not a huge fan of. They don't let it thaw, tough to cut, and the flavor isn't as full as normal ones. However, on your birthday, have all the ice cream cake your heart desires.

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