
1..2...3... what?

I'm too lazy to reply all that.

Happy to see you're alive, it looks like the poison arrow didn't do the job because I had been a bit worried about you.

As you can see, everything has changed - or nothing has changed.

As you can see, the lil buddy who is insecure about himself and dislikes both humanity and freedom has now more power than we have. I'm really happy though, as he could have far more SP if he wasn't that dumbass he is.

Haha great post my friend. Definitely had me laughing...

  1. I'm pretty numb to the trending page because I never go to that neck of the woods. Stick to my feed and tags that interest me for the most part.

  2. STEEM is far from normal. Let the normies use their un-paid networks until we get more rewards :). Then they can come here and do their normal things... which will grow our stashes.

  3. No. I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Nice write-up, @kryptik.
I believe Steemit will eventually be adopted by a more mainstream crowd, until then though, I'm content with ramblings of the pale. Let's also not forget though that the "pale" also make a wide variety of backgrounds. Coworkers, friends, and family will eventually follow suit.

if for me everything in post in steemit can keep me entertained

Despite being a newbie and ignorant of all the references in your post, this Normie found it enjoyable.

I haven't been active here long enough to answer how it's changed, but I can tell you I feel like I've been let out of a cage after having my Facebook newsfeed turn to 3 day old stories and ad posts from pages I didn't like... On Steemit, I can at least search for the tags I want to see and be exposed to lots of fresh content

  1. I hardly ever check the trending page, so I'm immune by ignorance.
  2. Everything truly cool and innovative is homesteaded at first by a bunch of nerds, and later adopted by normies en masse. It is the way of the world, Kid Kryptic.
  3. Hmm... I mean, there are certainly varying levels of knowledge. I read and listen to folks who have more knowledge than I when I'm considering a crypto project, or have a question about how something works. It's true that it's almost ridiculously easy to profit in this space at the moment, but that doesn't mean that everyone has the time or the wherewithal to do all the research for themselves. I think it's natural that some people should take on crypto-advising as their economic specialty.

Well, glad to have you back😎
Happy New Year!
We are getting did many more new users day by day.

Happy New Year!

Kryptik! Dude you gotta do a #fivefacts post one of these days and show us your sensitive side ;)

In answer to your questions:

  1. I avoid even looking at the trending page, because its mostly rubbish. If I do happen to glance at it, the injustice of rewards makes me hurt. Generally you see the same people again and again - the Steemit elite

  2. 'Normal' people usually dont have that much value to add. However, every one has a story (or photo, artwork, interesting line of thought, etc.) in them, so if they feel like squeezing it out here, then let 'em have at it. I dont think the site should specifically cater to the mass market however- there plenty of other options for that...

  3. Some people are better informed than others, but anyone proclaiming to be a guru of such a volatile and nascent market is deluded. Its a bit like playing pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, sometimes you win, but its blind luck really.

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