
Damn, you are so fast in coming out with these response to these guy.

I took an acting class by accident in college. We did a lot of improv. I don’t like acting but I did like improv. It’s a lot of fun.

You’d be surprised with what you come up with when you don’t hold back.

You the man.

Gross!!! But I've done worse.

Penis Bumps:
I've seen better.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

I was rating your pics.

I know but I felt like your words left something to be desired.

I’m a visual learner.

Let’s see that lagoon creature you tackled.

Hahahahaha damn it, I'm not sure why I laughed so much.

Probably because I’m funny.

hahahaha so funny

Thanks for stopping by!

Haha I almost feel bad for the guy

I rate it 10/10 btw ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Lol thanks so much.

Almost is the optimal word right?

muhahaha, you should do this more often 11 out of 10. 1 pint extra for the dick pick

11/10 isn’t bad but I can do better.

you're mean on SO MANY levels :(

Not all of the time Beth.

aww, i know. just kiddin. you know i gots all the love for you...!

Never have a private conversation with someone who enjoys drawing dick pics. It will end up just like that :D

Or just maybe not have one with people you don’t know.

According to everyone I talked to he messaged everyone in the chat. It was crazy.

You win at ZigZag games!

Master of the zigzag

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