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RE: The Vanity of Our Judgments

in #life8 years ago

How do you think things might have been different if she did not care for the cat to the extent she did? Do you think you still would have repeatedly come back if the perception that this was an unmitigated disaster was, instead, something calmer and less emotive?

I love your comment about not letting circumstances or evidence dictate reality but it is rare to find people who aren't, at some point in their lives, driven by these things because they trigger pain and fear.

What are your thoughts?


Hello Kristy,

Fear is a natural response to life, especially when confronted with situations we believe we have no control over. Fear is an expression of faith that empowers the calamities that previously resided only in the imagination. Fortunately, we are not obligated to respond in such a way. After reading your response to my girlfriend, she wanted me to tell you that I was the one who really cared about Piccolo because I was not only believing that she would come back, but was also at peace in the event that she didn't. After all, what if she found the love of her life, and wanted to spend the rest of it exploring the earth with him. Wouldn't you be happy for her? I had asked that question during the departure. Of course, Piccolo is spayed, but the fact remains that she could have been having fun exploring rather than being eaten.

And yes, I would have accompanied my girlfriend to the park to look for Piccolo as much as she wanted in accordance with my availability.

I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to ask more.


Awesome reply. Love the insight that you have brought to this. :)

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