The most useful properties of onions

in #life6 years ago


Bulbs contain organic acids, essential oils with phytoncides, protecting us from colds, kaempferol, amino acids, glucose, trace elements, vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, E, a lot of vitamin C, there are micro and macro elements: boron, cobalt, Manganese, molybdenum, copper, nickel, rubidium, fluorine, chromium, phosphorus, silicon, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, chlorine, sulfur (it is responsible for the sharp odor), flavonoids and plant hormone glucinin (a natural remedy level of sugar in the blood), - the expert lists useful substances and from this odorous product. - Onions belong to the genus of spicy-aromatic herbaceous plants. In the onion family there are several varieties that differ not only in appearance, but also in taste:

White onion has a white husk, the taste is soft, slightly sweet.

Sweet onion slightly larger than usual and has a thinner husk, this onion is harvested in spring and this is a seasonal product.

Red onion is more spicy on taste and not as sharp as usual.

Shallot is the most spicy of all varieties of onions, but after the heat treatment it becomes very tender and even slightly sweet.

The leek, unlike its counterparts, does not have a bulb and is a thick, overgrown stem of white color with green flat leaves. The leek has a pleasant piquant taste.

In order to receive a sufficient number of beneficial substances that heal the body, it is necessary to use different varieties of onions, because each is valuable in its own way.

  1. Juice onions is a natural antibiotic that protects against colds. Phytoncides will fight the viruses of the angina and strengthen the upper respiratory tract. They kill a large number of microbes, including streptococci, dysentery, diphtheria and tubercle bacilli. For the treatment and prevention of colds and flu, it is good to snort sliced ​​slices of onions several times a day. With beriberi avitaminosis, the onion is very useful, it is able to satisfy the need of the human body in vitamin C, besides this vitamin helps to increase immunity.

  2. Fresh juice of onions contributes to the development of sperm, increases sexual potency. Onions are such an accessible stimulant that even in ancient Egypt it was called "poor musk". Ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder claimed: "Onions and flabby husbands push into the arms of Venus." And in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the onion as a strong aphrodisiac was banned in monasteries: it is not for monks and nuns to feel carnal desires!

  3. In addition, "turnip" activates the metabolism, promotes blood formation and purification of blood, stimulates the digestive processes, removes excess fluid from the body. Quercetin, contained in onions, resists cancer and is used in oncology. If you have a headache, try sniffing a piece of raw onion instead of swallowing pills.

  4. Green onion leaves are rich in carotene, which cares about the well-being of our skin. Onion is used in folk medicine and for cosmetic purposes - to cleanse the face of stains. To get rid of freckles, it is good to wipe the face with a fresh bulb every day.

  5. The leek has no sharp smell and taste, which, however, does not at all affect its healing properties. Onions are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and magnesium, this makes leeks a very nutritious and healthy product. And you can find out by the thickened white foot and the wide flat leaves, which are used for food. This onion has the ability to purify blood, so it is useful to use it for the prevention of atherosclerosis: a mixture of onion juice and honey in a 1: 1 ratio of one tablespoon 3 times a day for an hour before eating for a month.

  6. Shallot consists of several small bulbs, combined into one. The shallots are juicier, softer and more fragrant than onions. It is characterized by a peculiar specific, fragrant aroma. Shallots are used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent. Scientists have found a large amount of flavonols in the shalote, which prevent the occurrence of cancer.



love love love onions! it helps in growing my hair quickly too ☺️ we almost always incorporate them in our side dishes too. 🙂 very informative post @kristinaljfom 👍

Oo yes.... Do you love farmering???

This is true that onion is very beneficial for our health.
Thanks a lot for sharing this.We can know many things about this.
#resteem & follow done.

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