The Changing SEO World

in #life7 years ago


The SEO WORLD has changed and unless you change with it you won’t succeed.

When I first started, it was easy to get search engine traffic but Google is making it harder. The Why is, there is a lot more competition for the same keywords. Google passed 1 trillion URL’s a few years ago so who knows how large it is now.

It is the survival of the SEO fittest. The problem is that most of the SEO that people do today is a waste of time. It actually can slow down your Google results.

How do I know? I use to spend hours and hours of my time developing and performing SEO. I had sites that ranked but it just took too much time. The results were frustrating and a lot of the time, I just wasn’t making the big bucks I kept hearing about.

So I went back to school for the last year or so. 

When you know what works it really cuts down the time. I started working smarter not harder.

I found my sites ranking higher which resulted in me making more money. You see once you know how to drive the traffic to your site getting some money out of the traffic isn’t all that difficult.

So how do I know what works. Well I have sites myself. I am re-doing them as time allows. I have marketing online for a LOOONG time. In the past I have had some super sites and some bad sites. I also work in SEO Consultanting Company for the local businesses in my area.

First, I tested the results on three of my own sites. I wrote down my step by step program and continued to fine tune it. I was finally confident enough in the results to start using it on my client’s sites. If it did not work, believe me I would not have risked using it on client sites.

When I was studying, I did not try to re-invent the wheel. I just found out what worked and what didn’t. I researched and found out that most SEO programs were just missing some key elements.

I found by combining a few of programs that 99% of the key elements were covered.

My research showed; That the reasons most people fail with their website marketing is because of two main areas.

Improper Backlinks and Improper SEO.

The problem I found with the current SEO programs is that people try to get as many backlinks as possible. All the backlinks are directed at their webpage and they are hoping for the best. This action hurts the site more than it will help and is not the smartest way to operate. The problem is a lot of the backlinks people get are worthless.

I discovered if you plan your website structure properly you will need a lot less backlinks. But beieve me quality, relevent backlinks are a must! I have been averaging about 4 quality backlinks per page to start ranking.

As a webmaster I found myself in the past working twice or maybe even three times as hard trying to improve my rankings with these bad backlinks. I wish I had known.

I have put together a list of steps I use called the SEO Google Success Steps Program. If you are new or just don’t know what to do now go to Google Keywords to go through the free steps.

I will show you how do proper keyword search and analyze the competition. How to set up your site structure the way Google loves them and quality Google friendly backlinks with Proper SEO.

You will find out that SEO is fairly easy once you know how to do it. Your site will start slow developing major traffic and ultimately abuntant revenue.

So what does this all me to you. If you are serious about your business, you need to find and follow the proper Success Steps to drive traffic to your site.

Yes, there is work involved like anything that is worth doing. You will learn to understand SEO and become a mini-SEO expert which will make your future projects so much easier. Check out the SEO Consultant section and follow the links.

Traffic is the key to any site’s success and once you learn how to master the free organic traffic, you will be able to convert that to revenue.

I have tried to make this process as easy as possible for you but you will need to study and think. Like I said before, I did not invent the programs, I just found out what works and combined them into the SEO Google Success Steps.

The fact is what I teach works and has been working for many people for the last year and a half or so.


You won’t have to worry about the continued SEO competition because you will be far ahead of the crowd.

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