It’ll be dark, right?

in #life7 years ago

It’ll be dark, right-It’ll be dark, right-.jpg

So here’s the deal, I am a moron and I will prove it with the following story.

Several times in the past few months I have thought to myself, “It will be dark.”

The first time was Christmas Eve. We were going to our churches Christmas Eve service and I had some time on my hands to get ready. This rarely happens. I decided (against my better judgement) to put on some make up. Normal stuff for normal ladies. Yet I don’t usually wear make up.


I put on my foundation, mascara – average stuff. Then I went for the lipstick. I chose a brighter shade because, hey, it was going to be dark, right? Christmas Eve = candlelight service = dark. No one would see me anyway (because let’s face it – it would be dark) , let’s be adventurous.

Guess what? When I got to the church it was light. VERY light. Who knew that churches had lights? LOL A friend of mine said, “Hey Karina! I love your purple lipstick.” She was sincere, she did love my purple lipstick.

Second time I did this was Good Friday. No make up , but again – it’ll be dark right? Wrong.

Third time was tonight. I went out to get my pint o’ ice cream and I hadn’t showered, my shorts were weirdly cut and too tight and I thought, “It’ll be dark.”


Let me tell you – gas stations not only have parking lot lights and teenage boys but also very good lights inside the store. They even have cashiers to take your money. Who knew?


Pardon We hope to have a nice day

Ah yes, lights. Pretty nifty invention, lights... I have no right to laugh; my experiences have typically been the exact opposite... ending up in complete darkness where I assumed there would be lights. Shoulda brought a flashlight... sometimes you can't win for losing...

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