Does That Make Sense to You?

in #life7 years ago

One of my favorite phrases to use to engage people in conversation with me is “Does that make sense to you?”  This really opens up the topic for them to talk about relating to what I am saying instead of “Do you understand?” When I ask “Does that make sense to you?” just seems friendlier.  Most of the time folks will relate a story to me about the topic.

It is my passion to engage people in my life, their lives, or to get them to engage in a life, be it their own or someone else’s.  Connecting people, connecting to people makes me feel alive.

I am constantly searching for new ways to get people connected, to help people find their connection or to get folks to start searching for a connection.  So many people walk around disconnected.  They may think they are connected, but it is evident by the results.  Connections can heal.  Connection creates harmony in your life.  Connections are necessary in order to create.

At the young age of 10 or so I got grounded for something.  I am not sure what the punishment was for but I do remember feeling as though it was unjust.  I remember looking at my father and telling him I did not need anyone.  I really meant it too.  Mostly I meant I did not need him specifically as I was very angry about the punishment.  I know it hurt him.  I can still remember the look in his eyes.  He was trying to connect to me and not doing a good job and he knew it.  Not wanting to admit it of course and I would be willing to bet that if he did remember this incident that he would have to concur that he lacked the ability to connect.   He was hurt because I know he really wanted to connect.  I was hurt because I wanted to be connected.  Neither of us had a clue how to connect but we both wanted the same thing.  Does that make sense to you?


My father seldom said things that came from his heart. Mostly because it was hard for his heart and his head to connect, as it is with most folks.  I remember him telling me, “We all need someone.”  This time when he told me that we all need someone, it rang true.  Apparently, somehow he was able to connect his heart with his head and it make it to his lips and it rang true to me.  It connected because I still remember it some twenty plus years later.

I knew he was right.  As much as I did not want to admit it because I was still angry about the punishment, I still knew he was right.

Even as a youngster I had the insight to realize he was truly trying at that moment.  I could see his hearts desire.  Probably not realizing it, he gave me a great lesson that day.

Connecting people means being able to connect to yourself.  The distance between your heart and your head is a long 18 inches.  It is through others that we become connected to ourselves and our dreams.

I have spent my adult life looking for the right connections to the right people to make my dreams real.  I don’t believe in waiting for the right person to come along.  I believe in proactively finding the right person, the right connection and making it happen.  In the process of connecting to others we find ourselves and our purpose.

If you are looking for connections or harmony or if you can share your connections or ways you connect this is a place to do that.  Stop by often, share a little and connect.  Does that make sense to you?



It make a sense for me! In my life I've always thought that if we want to have the right person close to us and positive connections with people, we have to be proactive in finding! ^_^

Something to think about, many people lack self awareness and social abilities... the best way for me to connect people is to put so much content out there and attract the ones who believes in my ideologies 😀

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