Can Spam Comments Affect Your Blog SEO

in #life7 years ago

Spam Comment is a very annoyed thing for the professional bloggers and webmasters.

It is probably a way of some new bloggers for getting the backlinks of their blogs.

They just paste their blog/site links on your comment option to get the backlinks for their blog/site.

But almost all the bloggers rejected these comment on their blogs but some time when we are annoyed with these comments, we should not be able to find original comments so then most of the time these original comments also deleted.

The bloggers who applied this way to get backlinks, they just select a site for the whole day and almost comments on the all posts of that blog/site with their spam links.

So the main question is that can spam comment Affect your blog/site SEO.

Spam Comments can effect your blog/site a lot. If you accept these spams comments then these comments put a very bad impact on your site .

When Google and other search engines seen that comments on your blog and site then your site may be affect with these spam comments.

Your search engine ranking and traffic will effect with these comments. These spam comments also put a very bad impact on your original blog/site visitors.

How to Get rid of these Spam Comments :

These spams comments effect almost all the blogs and site in every script like WordPress, Blogger , etc.

get rid

So you just need some tips and tricks to get rid from these comments.

1) Always update your WordPress to get rid of these spam comments .

2) Always use  rel=”nofollow”  on almost every page where spammers can effect your blog site.

3)  Install and activate Akismat Plugin in WordPress. 

4) Check your comments options daily in your dashboard.


 So friends this is my opinion about spam comments.

If you have some question and suggestion then feel free to share with us.


That's a pretty neat advice. I wrote about SEO tips in my blog too. Hope you like it. I feel good when i see the someone in the same domain. :-) <3

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