Are You Forming Success Habits?

in #life7 years ago

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."

Zig Ziglar

 You've probably known someone who went to one of those big motivational seminars or "week-end events." Maybe it was you. What usually happens?

The attendee comes home excited. He's going to set the world on fire! Then, by Tuesday, some of the excitement has worn off. By the end of the week it's back to business as usual.

That's the trouble with most success-motivation programs. Now, don't get me wrong. I have nothing at all against going to them, in fact, I love to attend them myself. They're electrifying! They help you to get excited - to let your mind go. That kind of excitement can help you believe that you can really do anything you want to do. That's good.

The secret, however, is to maintain that excitement and positivity when you're separated from the source. To make it last you've got to have a plan to help you maintain that positive attitude on a daily basis. Becoming a successful person is a daily thing. It can't be done in spurts.

In order to be truly successful it's necessary to build plan that includes working on staying positive every day.

Must you be positive all the time? Absolutely not! No one has a positive attitude all the time, I don't care what some people tell you. The trick is to practice having good, positive, success driven thoughts as much as you can until it becomes habit. After a while, you'll start to catch yourself when you complain or think things like "that's too hard" or "I can't" or "what's the use?"

It has been said over and over by people who have studied forming habits that it takes about three weeks (21 days) to firmly implant a new habit. I don't know if that's 100% true or not. I do know that if you remain extremely conscious of forming a new habit for that long, it is much easier to keep it going. In my opinion, the longer you concentrate on keeping the habit intact the better.

If you leave yourself some kind of reminder to work on your new "positive," habit when you first get up every morning you'll find that your day goes better. that, in itself is reinforcing. When your day goes better and you recognize why, it's easier to spend that extra few minutes starting your day right the next day, and the next.

If you've been around here long, you're familiar with the phrase "Success is a journey, not a destination." There's no truer statement in existence. The moment you decide to become successful, to some extent you already are. After that, its just a matter of degree. Build on it.

So - Go ahead and Get Excited! Dream big. Enjoy the moment. Then - make plans to make your dream reallity and keep the excitement going every day.


Make your plan. fit enough time into your schedule to read some motivational material or listen to a motivational cd or something every day. Do as much of it as you can. The world is so full of negativity you won't overdose on the positive. Trust me.


Great post! Thanks for sharing :) @kristinaljfom

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you're​ an angel​ :) keep the ​ great post and inspire other

Thank you for kind words)

Nice post thankyou for sharing @KRISTINALJFOM. Upvote

Thank you for your comment)

I've read different studies about habit formation, and personally I've found the two months suggested by this study to be a little more accurate. But the lesson in the same. If something's worth doing, it's worth committing for the long haul.

Thank you for sharing such a useful information)

Hey @kristinaljfom, I am starting a podcast where I interview fellow entrepreneurs. Would you be interested in the appearing on the inaugural episodes?

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