The brain turns into reality what we believe most

in #life7 years ago


Unfortunately, many people live with the conviction that they just do not deserve to be happy. The reasons for this are different - sometimes due to an unhappy childhood, and sometimes to a series of failures - to personal or professional life, which seems to completely deprive us of the hope that our lives will ever come to pass.

As a result, we create a way of life that strengthens our self-limiting beliefs. The only thing that can help us is to realize that quite often these beliefs are inaccurate and unproductive and are the main reason to live and perform far below our potential.

How do you develop negative basic beliefs about yourself?

You develop many of your beliefs for yourself in childhood. Maybe you grew up feeling like an outsider. Or you may have to have an offensive and cold attitude from your parents. Such experiences can make you believe you were born to lose or fail.

Throughout your life subconsciously you will look for evidence to support this belief. So each time you fail, your negative beliefs will become stronger.

Whenever you get proof of the opposite - a promotion in the office, for example, you will give your luck success, ignore your achievements, and reinforce your belief that you are a failure. That is how the brain works: it turns into reality what we believe most.

Your beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies

Just because you believe in something does not mean it is true, but it is very likely to come true because it affects the way you interpret events, how you feel and how you behave. And most of the time these beliefs turn into self-fulfilling prophecies.

If you think you can not cope with stress, you will never go out of your comfort zone. As a result, as you strive not to do anything that scares you, you will constantly struggle to cope with the discomfort of the surprising situations.

If you believe nobody likes you, you will consciously avoid social contacts - the less you talk to people, the less likely you will be to make social connections. The fewer friends you create, the stronger you will believe you are unable to build healthy social relationships.

List of examples is infinite ...

How to Discard Self-Limiting Beliefs

If you have spent 30 years believing that you are a failure, it will not be helpful just to repeat: "I am the winner." You can not get rid of your deep-rooted basic beliefs so easily. Instead, you must question your beliefs and convince them that they are wrong.

Run a behavioral experiment

If you think you are too close and befriending hard, try to change your behavior radically - smile and keep friendly. It does not mean to be fake, but to show other parties to your personality. Be friendly, kind, responsive.

Watch the others and follow their example - how they start talking, when they offer their help, then get courage and experiment - talk to someone or offer help.

Do not give up, even when you lose courage but continue to pursue your goal. If you are at a social event, do not stay in the corner, but try to talk people around you.

Instead of worrying that you look bad or that you are talking nonsense, rest assured that no one is perfect that no one is insured by stupid jokes or "beams" in the conversation. It's important not to stop trying and gradually make communication with others easier. It takes time to get rid of your erroneous beliefs and build new ones

Your mind can help you, but it can also hurt you a lot. The wrong beliefs you have for yourself are your biggest obstacle to fulfilling your dreams, career achievements, building a romantic relationship and true friendships.

Everyone has a few misconceptions about himself

To find out, take some time and think about the views you have of yourself in different spheres of life. Ask yourself what prevents you from realizing your dreams - real reasons beyond your control and will, or your own fears and hesitations.

Your beliefs, not the lack of ability, are often the biggest obstacle to the life you live and the life you want to live. But the good news is that with little time and extra effort you can develop the mental power needed to overcome your self-limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving everything you dream of.

Much love - Krisii

Source: Psychology Today
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